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PANDAS - Antibiotic Update

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Just wanted to post an update for all the pandas moms out there. Tori started azithromycin a little more than two weeks ago. We did the ten day course to begin, and there was no significant change in her tics or behavior. She has been suffering from steadily increasing depression so, in the middle of the course her psychiatrist changed her Pexeva to Prozac and her depression seemed to lift very soon after. We still have her on risperdal and she was still having mild tics.


This past Sunday, she did the 500 mg weekly dose, Monday ticcing very hard at the doctor and then boom! They just stopped and I haven't seen them since. Her energy levels are going up. Her three hour nap now only lasts one to two hours, and she doesn't fall asleep when her friends come over to hang out - she's very happy about that. I do think its the 500mg that has stopped the tics this week. The risperdal doesn't produce a consistent enough relief. Hopefully, in another two weeks, when her Prozac is levelled off we will try taking her off the risperdal and that will definitely tell if its the antibiotics.


Her titer testing showed an increase in one of her levels and a decrease in the other - strange. I haven't gotten the numbers from the doctor yet. We are hoping to get back to school part time next week and that is very exciting all the way around.


We'll keep you posted as we go along. Hope all is well with everyone :) Tracy and Tori

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That is great news. We are on the 500mg once every 5 days - he continues to do amazing, we are seeing a subtle increase the day before the day of and the day after the antibiotics then things clear up again, the increase is so minimal no one else could notice, I mostly notice at night when he is tired and falling asleep. There is a clear correlation between the antibiotics and how well he is doing. I wonder if we did it every 4 days if he would not have any subtle increase - I will ask the doctors at our next apt. I read someone's post recently saying they had been on azith. two times a week - I wanted to ask what dosage - I will have to look back and see who it was.

So glad she is doing a bit better.

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