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I'm trying to figure my 3 yo out, normally i post about my Lyme/PANS 8 yo. DD3 has an immune issue called mannose bilding lectin deficiency (DD8 has it too but not as bad), actually she has no MBL. MBL in my super layman's understanding is the linebacker, its the first line of defense to hold virus/bacteria in place before the immune system kicks in. This leaves both DD's super open to infection and at risk for Hashimotos. In a nutshell DD3 shows very high EBV, IGG3 abnormal, ASO normal and myco IGG close to normal mildly elevated. She just had a bullseye rash this summer and is being treated for Lyme. I just got additional bloodwork back from a well known immunologist (not Dr B0 who I find difficult to work with so I may bring her to Dr B. Her WBC is just at 6 which is the absolute bottom number of the range 6-17. Her Absolute Neutrophils are low at 1374 on a range of 1500-8500.

I did some internet reading and just got myself freaked out. We have a new open minded ped but don't see her until October and she is out on leave now, I don't feel like calling any of the other doctors and explaining myself again to them so I am just waiting on the ped to come back.

Should I take her to a hematologist? Anyone have experience with the low ANC count?

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