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Hi everyone, just wanted to know if anyone tics in their dreams? I asked Hoyt this and he told me in all his dreams he only had tics in one and in that dream he was explaining to someone what tics were. He says he loves to dream as he doesn't tic in them - except that once. Just curious and happy he gets relief when he's dreaming. He's not doing so great right now. We had a blood test to see all his vitamin levels so hopefully that will illuminate something overlooked. The Day Fire is very close to us and the air is a mess here. We cleaned out our air purifier this Saturday (do it every week) and you should have seen how BLACK the stuff was that we rinsed out!!! I'm sure that isn't helping things.






Nope, I don't tic in my dreams. Sorry Hoyt's having a rough time right now, and I hope that gets better real soon. Hugs to you both.




Hi, No, I can't recall that I Tic in my dreams, but I can speak Mandarin perfectly (I currently live in Taiwan) and do the splits which is great for my TaeKwonDo. But Tics, I don't thinks so.


Fitforit Daddy

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