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Just feeling out your sense of where Canadian doctors are now - there seems to be so much movement towards pandas from the states perspective and I was wondering if there were any medical professionals in canada was following suit yet?


We live in manitoba, and rural area to boot, so I am out of touch on how things are going in the major centres... Our only experience has been winnipeg, and it seems to be in the "infancy" stages as of yet with most of the doctors we have met (as in they have never heard of it, or flat out don't believe in it). We have been able to connect with a few docs who seem to be on board for diagnosis at least (and luckily a fabulous ND who is 100% on board), but we have not actually met them in person yet (beyond the ND)- so I am holding my breath to see what happens at that point.


Any news - good, bad, or ugly on the canadian front?

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