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I am learning more and more about the "flickers" with CRT screens and we are working to avoid them at home. Our computer has an LCD screen and we just got an LCD screen in place of one of our TV's. Unfortunately it is a big screen which I didn't know wasn't a good idea and recently read the smaller the screen, the better. Anyways, my question is, if we work on limited CRT screens, will there come a time when my son can go to the theatre again without problems? The last time we went, he had a lot of neck snaps and also it felt like his torso was moving a lot so I don't know if that was another reaction to the movie screen or not.

We have pursued other tests and he was negative to Pyroluria, didn't have an issue with Mercury/lead via blood test done through his pediatrician. He has moderative sensitivity to a handful of items from the IgG testing done through Elisa/Act that we just began to work on. He does take probiotics daily and a B complex vitamin but that is about all. His tics are currently doing well but he is also on his Neurontin which helps control his tics so I don't really know if it is the meds right now, the waxing & waning process or if the screen issues that we are fixing has helped. I plan to slowly decrease the Neurontin but am a little afraid since school just started and things are going well. I also tried a naturopath for awhile but didn't feel she had a lot of knowledge in this area so I guess you could say I am still searching for a doctor to help guide me a little more through alternative methods. Thanks - Deagar

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