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We leave tonight to go to Florida to take two of my kids to see Dr. M and also an appointment with an Immunologist there. While we are there we are going to go ahead with another one week CBT "refresher" for my daughter. She did the 3 week program last summer and then we went for a week over spring break. Her therapist there is just awesome! Unfortunately she will be leaving there in August as she is finishing her post graduate work. So we decided to fit in one more week with her before she left. All the therapist there are great, but my daughter has already established a relationship so the work just goes quicker. We just haven't found anyone around our area that comes close to doing as well as the therapist there. I am hopeful we will get some meaningful progress made.


On a little different note, we found out this week that my daughter was positive for pyroluria. (Thanks LLM for all your help) We have started (slowly)adding zinc to her MTHFR protocol and will add B-6 later. We have seen lots of positive changes while working with the MTHFR mutation and I think we are starting to see some good things with the zinc. I guess a 13 hour car ride will tell us just how much progress we have made. :mellow: So I'm looking forward to a week in sunny Florida, even if it will be full of Doctor's appointments. Got so much to do before we leave though. Ugg.. Wish us luck! Hope everyone has a wonderful blessed weekend!




Travel safely, DeeDee! :wub:


FWIW, we have seen positive changes with implementation of zinc, also. Don't know if our DS officially has pylouria; we discovered the impact of zinc by accident, when we started giving him Zicam softmelts for a suspected cold. Suddenly, his focus and ability to pay attention stepped up noticably. Now we give him Opti-Zinc (bio-available, time-released) from SolaRay daily. It seems to have made a real impact.


Good luck! Try to fit in a little fun in the Florida sun while you're there!


If your daughter really has a good relationship with this therapist (I TOTALLY get how important that is too), then ask where she will be establishing her private practice. Maybe it will be closer to home and then she can still meet with her occasionally. Good luck! Hope you can find some vacation time among the CBT work.

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