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Ok, so my dd11 has pandas, lyme and bart. and we got out of network approval for her to see one of the big pandas docs. he is great.

But now dd6 has lyme and babesia, and so far no to pandas. problem is her sisters pandas doc is the one that found the infections (thank goodness, everyone else said "she will grow out of it"), we did not expect him to glance at dd6 and be concerned, but he did and was really concerned. it was very on the spot, unplanned. so now insurance has denied and told me to see a certain infectious disease dr. L at childrens.

personally with my older one i never had luck at childrens, so i am asking that if anyone knows who i am talking about, or has anything to share, please let me know. I want dd6 to stay with the pandas doc, but i dont know, if anyone says "oh that doc at childrens is really good" them maybe i will make the app.


p.m. me if you dont want to post.


i will also post in pandas forum too





So I can't respond from personal experience, but rather second hand stories. So take this for what it's worth. Children's does not have the greatest rep in the PANDAS community.... not very "open minded."


However, MGH seems to be stepping up to the plate a little bit more. In particular, I have been in communication with a couple of people who have had good things to say about Dr. Pasternack at MGH. Supposedly 1/3 of his practice is now PANDAS. He is a pediatric I.D. specialist. I can try to put you in touch with a the people that have seen him if you'd like. I don't know if they are on this board or not.




Is MGH part of you insurance plan's network?




Ok, so my dd11 has pandas, lyme and bart. and we got out of network approval for her to see one of the big pandas docs. he is great.

But now dd6 has lyme and babesia, and so far no to pandas. problem is her sisters pandas doc is the one that found the infections (thank goodness, everyone else said "she will grow out of it"), we did not expect him to glance at dd6 and be concerned, but he did and was really concerned. it was very on the spot, unplanned. so now insurance has denied and told me to see a certain infectious disease dr. L at childrens.

personally with my older one i never had luck at childrens, so i am asking that if anyone knows who i am talking about, or has anything to share, please let me know. I want dd6 to stay with the pandas doc, but i dont know, if anyone says "oh that doc at childrens is really good" them maybe i will make the app.


p.m. me if you dont want to post.


i will also post in pandas forum too





We met with Dr. Paternack last week for a few hours. The visit was with my daughter and another Pandas family. Dr. Pasternack is a very kind man. He is the ONLY infectious disease doc that is willing to see Pandas kids. The problem is that he is not a PANDAS expert and is still learning.He is also extremely overworked.


save your time and $$, Childrens Hospital Boston will not help PANDAS kids.


@ Dan, i sent you a PM,feel free to call me. who is your PANDAS doc?

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