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Hi - I usually post on the PANDAS forum but thought I'd copy my post here...


Hi - I just thought it worth mentioning for those looking for triggers for whom allergy may be 1 of them (our dd has had PANDAS flares in response to allergic reactions to foods in addition to infection)...


Our dd8 has known, fairly severe, food allergies to cashews and pistachios. She also gets smaller reactions at times that we have, until now no,t been able to pinpoint due to seemingly conflicting responses.


When she would have these reactions the only common denominator in all the foods was corn or a corn product. However, when she had corn kernels or whole corn at home, no reaction. Doing some reading on the subject, I think we've discovered that she is allergic to genetcially engineered corn but not nonGMO. We buy organic for home but somewhere around 70% of non organic corn is genetically engineered.


Supposedly, it is increasingly common for people to be showing signs of allergy to GMOs but not the nonGMO.


I just thought it worth mentioning, as it really had us stumped for a while. Allergies aren't her big triggers but we're happy to lower her immune system provocations.



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