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My bulldog cultured beta hemolytic strep pos 6 weeks ago. Tooks 6 weeks amoxi. finished 2 days ago. Well guess what?


My severe pandas kiddo is having horrible defiance and behavior today.




I was just saying how awesome he was doing. Like 100%


Now my odd mild pandas kiddo has a mild stomach ache (abx or bug?)


and my 8m old has red swollen tonsils cultured today



I called the vet and told them and they extended the amoxi 2 weeks. Then in 4 weeks the dog needs to be recultured.


I know its from the dog being off amoxi.


We go to the nih for our last visit next week. I was looking forward to saying hes 100%!


Hopefully its a small bump in the road


Oh man, hopefully its just a fluke. Hang in there.

My DD can get pretty nasty to me, but I think its just the age and also being around some sassy girls at Pre-K.

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