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He just developed a stutter within the past two days. He has been an excellent speaker. The only letter right now which I notice the stutter is with his I's. He'll say some thing like I-I-I-I-I was jumping on my bed.

I am sick to my stomach again. We go see Dr. B on the 25th. This time I am insisting that he draw some blood. I don't want to guess if he has PANDAS. I want some bloodwork for confirmation.

I hate PANDAS. HATE it. And I hate that I am sitting here having a pity party. My husband always says that it is what it is. We can't change it and just enjoy the kids and stop dissecting everything. But I can't. The only other things I notice on him that are PANDAS-like is that sometimes he does some jaw movements. And he also has emotional liability. He cries over little things. And gets mad over things and will hit.

But, I just think it is PANDAS. I probably wouldn't really be thinking this if DD didn't have PANDAS.


And he is supposed to go under anesthesia for some cavities in May. I'm going to ask Dr. B's opinion, but has anyone had PANDAS triggered or an exacerbation by this?


And we met with our LLMD yesterday for the first time for DD. He is wonderful :). We were looking over her labs from Dr. B's office. Along with PANDAS and ehrlichiosis, her levels were in the upper end of normal for typhus and rocky mountain spotted fever, meaning she was exposed.

Did I mention I hate ticks too!


Had to vent. I am just feeling so overwhelmed.


Was it dr m? Isnt he GREAT???? LOVE him.


Did he change meds around?


I hate tick and pandas and strep.


If you need to talk I will give you my # or email.


Did you ever get tested for lyme?


It was Dr. M. Love him too!!

I am definitely insisting on bloodwork for him. Even if they say he is too young. I want to at least know if anything comes up under Lyme and Co. I know he was bitten by a tick that we removed back in September.

And then we can do IgeneX for just Lyme.

And yes, we do see Dr. R as well. Love him too! He is such a sweet guy. What days do you usually se him? We are usually there Tuesday mornings.


We were just with dr r today. Generally thursdays.


What did he say about pandas if he did at all? Just being nosey!!!!!


He also works with the np that was at the ladt meeting and he likes her


I like Dr. R. He believes in PANDAS and doesn't think I am crazy, but didn't say much about it.


PS... I gave DS2 some Advil and his stutter seems lessened. I also emailed the nurses at Dr. B's office and got a response sighing a few hours. They had me call my pharmacy to fax them a refill request for him. So hopefully I will see some improvements once we get the augmentin in.


And Melissa, he is saying his tongue hurts. Makes me think maybe strep?? I'm thinking of going to our pedi, (we have the same one), and asking for a throat swan and culture. We just had one 2 weeks ago! I don't want him already thinking I am crazy!! Do you see him often for strep tests amd things? I was also just there on Monday. My 10 month old has an ear infection.


Yeah took my odd to the pedi today for a culture. Rapid neg but culture pending.


I feel the same way about feeling crazy, but it lasts only a minute and snap back to reality.


You know your not crazy!

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