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Quick history:


Son with autism, always had worse winters with flaring anxiety/OCD type behaviors, needing HOH on printing,coloring. Viral illnesses always flared these symptoms. I now realize he has probably been a PANDAS kid all along, right?


Then he actually contracted strep throat sometime this Feb. most probably. I had no idea except that he had a huge exacerbation in his anxiety/OCD as well as mild separation anxiety. I took him in just to rule out strep throat and bang! positive rapid throat culture. Entire family screened....all negative but him.


Once on 5 day zithromax, he developed tics and choreiform movements...quite pronounced actually in the 5 hours after dosing. Now off antiobiotic, 5 days, he is doing more play by himself, has more language, more eye contact, has had some decrease in taactile defensiveness but the following issues remain:


still wants hand over hand for things I know he can do

still having OCD related to motor issues (ie he will have leg up and say leg DOWN....I have to physically put his leg down and say LEG DOWN.

Although he is still doing this kind of stuff, he is not as panicked about it.

The head movement tic remains and he is doing choreiform type movements of his head/shoulder/upper back. The do seem to change in intensity/frequency throughout the day.


So today we have been off the zithro for 5 days...DAN Dr. told me to go back and get a reculture and request culture and sensitivity.

I am worried that 5 days is not enough time off antibiotics as the zitro. apparently is extended release for 5 days but he says it is enough time. I am also scared that they won't be able to do good enough swab and it will come back false negative.


I am waiting on bloodwork orders that he is sending.


What to do now? What are your thoughts on what remains symptom wise? I know they said tics are the last to go.

Wait on repeat culture and what? Make appt. wtih PANDAS specialist? Get bloodwork first? I just feel like I have to go further than just treating his strep throat and wait until this all begins again next winter.


We did start strep homeopathy through the DAN doctor and so far, I see no changes either way. DAN doctor prescribed immunovir(not here yet) and I guess based on lab results, he may be able to make case for IVIG.




Hmmm. My first reaction is that the half life of zith is long, like you mentioned. I believe being on zpack is like being treated for 10 day.


I am not sure what else to say. I think if he is still having symptoms, you should go to pandas doc

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