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Hi all, I am concerned about my 2 1/2 year old son. Last October when DD5 (PANDAS) had acute onset, our DS started some behaviors that weren't typical for him. He started crying in the middle of the night, crying when we put him to bed. He started sleeping with a baby doll. I notice him sometimes grinding his teeth. Last night was his dose of Augmentin that Dr. B prescribed for possible PANDAS. They never did any blood tests because of his age.


This past Saturday morning he vomited twice. No fever. He has been pooping more, which I attributed to the augmentin. He was okay Saturday night and yesterday. Last night he woke up twice complaining about his feet (something about them being itchy?). Makes me think sensory? And then this morning he said something smelled yucky,(I didn't smell anything). He also complained of a bellyache. It is only 9:45 and he asked for a nap. He normally doesn't nap until 12:45.


I'm debating taking him to the pedi. We have a new pedi, and we haven't seen him yet. What tests should I ask to run. Anything besides a throat culture? He has no fever. I'm wondering if I should just wait to get some bloodwork from Dr. B at the end of the month. It just makes sick all over again knowing this may be affecting another one of my children.


My best advice would be to stay calm.


Many things are actually coincidence- do not panic- wait until you see a pattern.


It is reasonable to take him to the ped for a swab. Many of our kids seem to have fairly asymptomatic strep. Fatigue, stomach ache, and headache are all strep symptoms. Get a culture, not just a rapid test.


If he is negative, wait a few days and follow the protocol of Doc B, make sure it is not an off day, or that he is coming down with a cold or virus. If symptoms persist- then I would be more concerned.


I have 2 kids with pandas, diagnosed 3 yrs ago at onset. I have found it to be helpful to always wait up to 3 days (unless the SOT really hits the fan) to be sure I am actually seeing what is happening.


Also- ibuprofen is a pandas mom's friend :) I would certainly consult Dr B- but in the even that you saw a flare up in him, I would think 5 days of advil dosing, 2-3 times per day, would be a relatively benign way of treating.


good luck!


Thanks for your response!

He awoke after 2 hours and is acting fine. I try so hard to not panic, but its so tough! I'm sure every mom here can relate. I think I may call the pedi tomorrow, for a culture, if be is still acting "off".


I did send the nurses an e-mail at Dr. B's office. I haven't received a response yet. I'm hoping they will run his bloodwork, just so I know exactly what I am dealing with, if anything. They said he was too young, but I have heard of other PANDAS kids being diagnosed at the age of 2.


DCmom- Do your kids see Dr. B as their PANDAS specialist?


My son is one of those dx at 2. Dr. M and the pediatrician did not run any bloodwork until he was 31/2 b/c he was too youn. Apparently the immune system is still developing and the results can be unreliable.

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