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Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced any rashes or eczema flare ups that correlate with PANDAS flare ups? My PANDAS son age 9 always seems to have a worsening of his eczema at the same time as his PANDAS flare ups (mood swings, tics, anxiety, poor impulse control etc. Last week he was sick with a stomach flu that lasted 2 days and this weekend I noticed a weird rash around his eyes. After looking at him more closely the rash also is on his arms and back. This isn't his eczema and it looks more like a prickly heat rash or even poison ivy. At the same time the rash appeared he became very emoitional and all his PANDAS symptoms returned.


Has anyone else experinced anything similar?


We, too, have had occasional inexplicable rashes and/or hives, unusually at the onset of a new exacerbation. For us, it was usually on his trunk and would spread to the tops of his arms and his thighs, last for only a day or so, and then fade entirely.


The eczema, though, has been an almost constant companion since he was an infant, and an eczema flair usually precedes a fresh exacerbation or increase in his anxiety level and/or OCD behaviors. His eczema is most prevalent on his wrists and crooks of his elbows, with some irregular patches appearing now and then on his shoulders and back.


Several months ago, though, a member or two on the forum here suggested we give Pepcid a try as it is an H2 blocker and between the eczema and seasonal allergies, our DS appears to be high in histamine. The Pepcid has been terrific for him in more ways than one. The eczema seems to have been put into permanent retirement, as has the anxiety that it used to precede. He's generally healthier and happier these days, so I can't give the Pepcid all the credit, but I know that the eczema responded to it almost immediately, and if decreasing his histamine levels has also helped in abating some anxiety, then that's a definite bonus!

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