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Had dr k hd IVIG over 3 months ago. Ran blood tests through local doc.


Igg level 1 is low. 359 on standard range of 423-1080.

Igg 2 196 ref. 78-355

Igg 3 23 ref. 17-173

Igg 4 8.7 ref. 2.0 - 115

Igg serum is low 596. 821-1835




ASO titers 238 (always elevated!)

DNase B - negative (never elevated)

Myco P IGA/IGM - negative

Chlamydia pneumoniae IGA/IGM negative

TSH - normal

Chem panel - all in range

CBC with diff - MPV - over a point high. (Always a point elevated)

Eosinophil - 1/10th of a point elevated (never seen this off)

Zinc 170!!! Standard range 25-148. (never this high and forgot to test for copper)


Wouldn't an immunologist recommend IVIG therapy with these igg levels? Can someone throw in their two cents please?





Hi Ann,


Both of my kiddos are low in IgG subclass 1. My dd had IVIG for PANDAS before we knew this-- though she'd had one low quantitative/serum IgG prior to the IVIG. Her IVIG was a crisis situation so we couldn't wait on further immune testing. Now she's I think 8 months out and we just had labs run and her serum is low again and this time we ran subclasses and it's subclass 1 she's low in. My ds is low in 1, too-- though he's quite high in 4 so his quantitative isn't quite as low as my dd's.


My ds is getting IVIG either this week or next for immune deficiency- but in addition to his low IgG values, he is also absent-near absent IgM and has specific antibody deficiencies. Look for a recent post from Browneyesmom about her dd's IVIG- think it was a thread about going from high dose to low dose for the immune def after the PANDAS is in check... pretty sure her dd's lab results were in there (I remember they were almost exactly the same as my dd's, which we'd just gotten back when I saw her post) and I'm pretty sure they treat for it...


Wish I was more help, but we're just figuring out the immune deficiency issues ourselves.


Interesting that subclass 1 seems to be an issue for many of our kids--or it's just the one that's on my radar :)



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