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Hi all - there are some opportunities for longer shows - it's really hard for media to really understand the illness in a few second sound bites. A PR person in NY is working on this - we'll see if it comes to life or not. But she is looking for a few families who would be willing to be featured. That's always a tough decision, but if anyone is interested, here is her email address - you can contact her directly, or PM me if you have questions.




I've talked to her, and she is very respectful. Some shows want to see a family that has already recovered, while others are interested in a family that is still seeking answers, and may be just starting treatment or seeking treatment. So anyone can feel free to contact her.


It's amazing what everyone is doing to raise pandas awareness lately. It's been an incredible few years in many ways, and I stand in awe of this group of parents. With so many kids and families still suffering, it'll be a long path. But hopefully much of the research going on right now, will give us the answers we need.

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