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I have been exploring lyme for my ds7 whom is antibiotic dependent on azithromycin and recently had some great gains by adding flagyl which was prescribed to treat cdiff. Then the doc wanted to switch him to PennVK because my other son has had great success with pennvk for pandas, (full remission).


So, we added the PennvK for two days and he broke out with bumps on his forehead they are small. I took him to pediatrician and he prescribed keflex for staph (that is what he thinks it is). So at this point my son is on Azithro 250 mg daily for pandas, flagyl for cdiff, stopped the effort to switch to PennVK and instead added the Keflex for the staph outbreak. Well within a few hours of administering the first dose of Keflex my son has panic attack and rage attack.


Ibuprofen calmed the situation and this morning he seems okay, maybe a little fragile.


Was this a herx response? It appears we are treating more than PANdAS. Also his urine is dark and smells again real foul. He had got over the frequent urination for several months now, but I think its coming back and there is some kind of die off. Of what? I don't know.


Any thoughts on wether or not I should continue with the abx combo or pull the flagyl he had been on that for 14 days now. Keflex scaring me to administer again.


Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

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