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My 8 year old has had tics for one month. I can name the exact date when they started, then within a week he had 4 things going on. I am still hoping it is a virus. He missed 16 days of school this year - with fevers, headaches, stomach aches. IN March he was home for 4 days straight with 104 fever. I am just praying he has a virus and not Tourettes. Can anybody help me? The doctors say it doesn't sound like tourette because it came on so fast. We are seeing a neurologist, but can't get in for a month. Will someone please give me your opinion. I am so lost and feel so hopeless. thank you


Hi Emily


I don't have time to write at any length right now, but please read up on PANDAS and PITANDS. If your son had a sudden onset - it could have been caused by a strep infection. Antibiotics are necessary if this is the case.

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