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Or any thyroid problems? My daughter's blood work came back with a high free T3 level. All other thyroid tests were within normal limits. Looking at the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, I have to believe this is contributing to our issues.


My daughter had elevated TSH and elevated antithyroid antibodies- considered hypOthyroid. She has been on levothyroxin for @ 4 months and her muscle cramping problems have resolved.


Thanks Peg, it's interesting that your daughter is hypo and mine is hyper. I thought I read that hyper has elevated antithyroid antibodies too. I wonder if they are different antibodies? I'm going to have to go back and read again. Did you see any personality differences when she started the medication?


Thanks Peg, it's interesting that your daughter is hypo and mine is hyper. I thought I read that hyper has elevated antithyroid antibodies too. I wonder if they are different antibodies? I'm going to have to go back and read again. Did you see any personality differences when she started the medication?

I can't remember anymore what antibody is for what, but Grave's disease is the one that makes you hyperthyroid and Hashimoto's is the hypo one.


I think the personality changes were simply due to the fact that she regained the use of her hands and they didn't hurt anymore- that's where the muscle cramps were. Honestly, she got to the point where she looked like she had cerebral palsy in her hands. They were, at times, drawn up against her shoulder and kind of balled up. So glad we got that figured out!


my son was dx with hashimotos 1 1/2 years after pandas symptoms started. Dr. B just told me last week that it looked like he was just "hypothyroid" according to one lab report that I happen to bring with me to our appt. I told him the endo dx hashimotos (where else would I get that from?) I am wondering why he is questioning it. All of the info I read says that just about all aquired cases of hypothyroidism in children are autoimmune (hashimotos). He is running all of his thyroid levels again but he has been on thyroid meds for almost 2 years now, again, not sure what he is looking for. I still am not sure how my son aquired it...we have NO thyroid disease in the family at all, but it came on with the pandas...I have always thought PANDAS was the cause of it for my son.


That's interesting Scossio. Please report back on what Dr. B finds. After talking to our doc today, we are going to test for the antibodies. Did you have any improvement in PANDAS symptoms when you started treating the thyroid?

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