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I haven't been on here for a while

until last week or so..

but I now know why I have checked in

because I can come here and VENT !!

I have lost frends,family,and jobs because of


BUT it is all for my DD

who is doing great


There is hope

and alot of stress along the way

Hang in there everyone




So glad to hear she is doing well. How did you get there?


we have had 2 IVIGs with Dr.k

abx everyday of 250 of azith

and we kept her home for school

and kept her away from as many people and kids that were sick..

It has been a VERY hard year BUT it will be 1 year post ivig #2 without any big time

PANDAS flair ups on the 10th :)

nothing that abx's could not handle..

so we will still do this through the winter

and then we will see what happens

I pray that it will all work out..

I think PANDAS will always be in our lives

but maybe not as much or at all..

I hate to say all of this out loud

because I dont want it to come back and bite me..



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