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Wondering what to call this behavior from my DD. Since first PANDAS episode back in October she had done some quirky mouth movements. Mostly lip smacking, side to side jaw movements and clenching her teeth tight. I never notoce it. She just says, "Mom I just did this (and repeat movement)."


I will ask her why and she will she doesn't know why.


I'm wondering if this would be called a tic, OCD confession, or a combo of both?


Yes Dr.B diagnosed her with PANDAS. She also tested positive for ehrlichiosis through his labs, but we are still waiting on the IgeneX labs.


I'm trying to start a chart with her behaviors, and not sure what to label this.


I think it is an OCD behavior. When my ds was very little, 4 or 5 yrs old, (now 17) he went through a phase of touching us and then saying "i'm sorry Mommy". He would do this over and over, touching and then confessing. We didn't know what was going on, years later he was diagnosed with PANDAS and we remembered these episodes. Well, flash forward to being in Chicago at IVIG #1, and we met another child being treated who was doing the same sort of thing, and some repetitive verbal outbursts. My ds described this child's behavior like this: "He has to keep doing it until he gets it right." Even the verbal "tics" he described as a compulsive feeling. The touching and then confessiing he also described as having to do again and again until it feels right.

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