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Well, as you know we were referred (finally) to get an MRI. My son had his MRI today and blood work today. I am not sure of results but during the MRI the radiologist said they needed to add contrast to the test b/c they saw a growth/cyst pressing on his 7&8th nerve which maybe causing his hearing loss and new tremors.


Does anyone know what this could mean? Has anyone's kid had an abnormal MRI?


We find out official results on Thurs but we are very concerned to say the least! Any comforting words would be helpful!!!




I don't have any personal MRI experience, but wanted to offer my support. I had a thyroid cyst a few years ago - turned out benign but the weeks waiting for biopsy results were gut wrenching. I do hope the results for your son are benign. Remind yourself that knowledge is power and regardless of the outcome, you will be better equipped to get him well. You can move mountains.


You're in my thoughts.


My daughter has to have regular MRIs for other conditions. She has another scheduled on the 23rd if we can ever get her strep culture negative.


My first bit of advice, no matter the diagnosis, keep in mind nothing physically has changed from the day before the diagnosis to the day of the diagnosis. You are not suddenly fighting something new, you just know what you are fighting. What a diagnosis really is essentially is a tool or a weapon. The saying information is power is very true. You cannot combat the unknown, so a diagnosis gives you a fighting chance for improvement.


My daughter has: Arnold Chiari Malformation I (part of the brain distends into the spinal column), Arachnoid Cyst (a cyst almost in the middle of her brain), a Sryingiomylia (a cyst in the spine), Autism, and a myriad of other issues.


If you want, you can PM me for more information or just to chat.


Thanks to all that have responded or PMd me, it really means alot! We go see his ENT tomorrow who will go over the MRI report. We also received a call today from neuro saying our sons appt has been moved from Mar. 23rd to Tues. We are so nervous but thankful for his new apoointment.


Thanks again for all your support! We will update as soon as we know more...

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