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My ds9 is finally getting better after the worst flare up to date. After 1 year on AZithro my son would still have occasional flareups (manageable) and then things took a turn for the worse at the start of 3rd grade, he began seeing imaginery lasers, crazy ocd rituals, and more. We increased the zithro and he did not get better, I took him to a local neurologist whom agreed with the PANDAS doc that my son had PANDAS. The neurologist had him write a sentence on the white board and it looked like a 4 year olds attempt at writing, I had examples of what his real handwriting was, plus emails from the teacher about his rapid decline in math and writing and clearly some wild stories about fears he had while at school. The Neurologist put him on PEN VK 250mg/5 ml 2x's daily over a month ago and I just wanted to share that my son bounced back quickly.

I just wanted to know if anyone else on this forum had luck with Pen VK.


I have two boys and both are doing well right now on two different antibiotics. My ds9 is typical and very intelligent his PANDAS was primarily tics and intrusive thoughts causing extreme anxiety inlcuding food contamination issues and I can say that Pen VK has brought him almost 95% home. In all my research I have never seen much on this antibiotic so I wanted to hear what others think. Right now he was given a prescription until the beginning of March after that I am not sure what the dosage will be or what's next.


My ds 10 has also had good results with penicillin vk 500 three times a day. After he started this I saw inprovement in 4 days and 95% improvement in 1 week. I am also a nurse and most dosctors will agree that penicillin is very effective against strep.My sons first 2 episodes of PANDAS were quickly relieved by an injectible penicillin (bicillin cr 1.2 million units) back in 2006.

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