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Hi Andy or others,


This week has been extremely rough chelation wise. I've been getting really bad headaches, achy muscles, ear aches, moodiness, today I've been feeling light headed to the point where I've almost fainted, and every time I stop the DMPS I notice a direct connection to tics that last a couple days after my last usage of dmps. I'm really confused with what to do because I don't know if it's that heavy metals are being mobilized, yeast is becoming a large problem, I'm sensitive to dmps, or if it's something else. Any ideas?


It's disappointing to me because my chelation doctor does not stay up on my case. He won't answer an important quick question without scheduling a $54 phone consultation. It's time for my 3 months lab tests and I have no script/lab kits even when I keep calling to remind. I ended up ordering a fecal toxic metal test through direct labs, but I'm waiting on the CBC & CMP because my doctor can order that, it's just he keeps forgetting or something. I think I'm going to do the challenge test to see if I'm pulling anything and was trying to decide whether I should order the urine test also.


I don't know what to do because if the heavy metals are being mobilized and I'm currently excreting them and it's rough because of that I want to keep going and get to the other side. If it's not that and I'm sensitive to DMPS or something then maybe it's time to try something else like DMSA, EDTA Suppositories, NDF Plus, just plain Chlorella, only MB12 shots, or something. This is getting frustrating because I hate feeling like this. Does anyone have any suggestions?




Hi Andy or others,


This week has been extremely rough chelation wise. I've been getting really bad headaches, achy muscles, ear aches, moodiness, today I've been feeling light headed to the point where I've almost fainted, and every time I stop the DMPS I notice a direct connection to tics that last a couple days after my last usage of dmps. I'm really confused with what to do because I don't know if it's that heavy metals are being mobilized, yeast is becoming a large problem, I'm sensitive to dmps, or if it's something else. Any ideas?


It's disappointing to me because my chelation doctor does not stay up on my case. He won't answer an important quick question without scheduling a $54 phone consultation. It's time for my 3 months lab tests and I have no script/lab kits even when I keep calling to remind. I ended up ordering a fecal toxic metal test through direct labs, but I'm waiting on the CBC & CMP because my doctor can order that, it's just he keeps forgetting or something. I think I'm going to do the challenge test to see if I'm pulling anything and was trying to decide whether I should order the urine test also.


I don't know what to do because if the heavy metals are being mobilized and I'm currently excreting them and it's rough because of that I want to keep going and get to the other side. If it's not that and I'm sensitive to DMPS or something then maybe it's time to try something else like DMSA, EDTA Suppositories, NDF Plus, just plain Chlorella, only MB12 shots, or something. This is getting frustrating because I hate feeling like this. Does anyone have any suggestions?




I am not a doctor so all information that I am giving is based upon what I learned from researching medical research.


DMSA is great for pulling out lead, that was what it was developed for, but not as good for mercury.

DMPS is great for pulling out mercury, that was what it was developed for, but not as good for lead.

EDTA is newer for detoxing and has had problems with doctors offices ordering and dispensing the wrong kind.

Chelaton IV's are used when you want to bypass the gut due to yeast issues. The yeast feeds upon the DMPS and DMSA.

Oral, liquid and pills, DMPS and DMSA is safer to use then chelation done thru IV's.

Lotion DMPS and DMSA does not have a great success record even if one DAN doctor, who has the patent on the DMPS is pushing it.

Everyone that I know of who used DMSA Suppositories stated that there was fantastic results.

NDF-Plus is not proven enough and will feed yeast issues.

Chlorella has been frowned upon in the past by the DAN doctor community but at the last conference was presented as a safe natural detoxing measure by one of the leading and a very much respected DAN doctor.


fecal toxic metal tests are not the most accurate of tests for a few reasons.

The Urine challenge test is the most accurate test if done properly.


DAN doctors are expensive but the best DAN doctors price is the same as the worse.

Based upon parent converstations across the nation over the years.


That is what leaps to my head right now, feel free to PM me anytime but as you know sometimes it takes me awhile to get to the computer.

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