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Hi There,


My name is Eddie Stafford I work as an Assistant Producer for a London based production company called Bellwether Media. We produce high profile scientific documentary films for British networks like the BBC, Channel 4 and Five.


We have been commissioned to produce a one off documentary film which examines the science behind using Deep Brain Stimulation to treat Tourette’s syndrome. I understand a couple of American documentary films have been made on the subject including ABC’s ‘Miracle Workers’ - I would like to make it clear the film we are producing will be far more factually accurate and less sensationalist.


I am eager to talk to people who suffer from Tourettes (or their family members) who have had or are considering having Deep Brain Stimulation. I would like to point out all correspondence will be treated in the strictest of confidence and by talking to me at this stage you are making no commitment to be a part of this film. All my contact details can be found below.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Many thanks,


Eddie Stafford

Assistant Producer

Bellwether Media

48 Great Eastern St

London, EC2A 3EP

Email: eddie.stafford@bellwethermedia.co.uk

TEL: + 44(0) 207 729 4682

MOB: +44 (0) 7966 459 681

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