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Ds9 has been on Biaxin for 5 days. He is taking 500 mg bid. He is also taking Augmentin XR 1000 mg bid. He has been on the Augmentin for over 2 months. Dr. B. added in the Biaxin to see if we could gain further improvement and reduce the number of exposure flares. About 3 days into the Biaxin ds started showing increased defiance and sassiness and some emotional lability. This has not been constant, but rather comes and goes. He was better yesterday, but today these symptoms have increased again and it's not pretty. I can't say for sure if this is related to the Biaxin, but nothing else has changed other than one of his supplements. I took him off of a methyl folate/b12 combo and put him on methyl folate and B6 (not in combo form, but both separate supplements.) I am troubled because we usually only see defiance in a pretty big flare. He is home from school for holiday break so we aren't dealing with exposure. Has anyone else seen an adverse response to Biaxin? Could this be a side effect? I was also wondering about a herxing type reaction, but I don't know if that even makes sense. At this point strep is the only trigger that we know of. He was negative for Lyme and co-infections including myco on standard testing, but we will be doing Igenex testing to make sure. Still waiting on the kit for that though. The only other time he had no response or an adverse response to an abx was when he was first dx'ed with PANDAS this past winter. He took Omnicef for 5 days and it did nothing for him, or perhaps made him worse. He had an active strep infection at that time. Azith turned him around after that. Any thoughts are much appreciated! Nothing like pulling your hair out right before the holidays.


I seem to recall being told that biaxin is used to combat the cystic form of lyme. Not sure I'm getting this right - heard it from a doc about a year ago. But I believe she told me that a few days into a course of biaxin, the lyme would start reproducing like crazy in an attempt not to be destroyed. I was told that this would make the child feel awful and behave as if having a major flare-up. If your child had some benign lyme, that could be one reason for what you are seeing.


My DD took Biaxin in combination with Rifampin for Bartonella and herxed very badly. She too came out negative on the co-infection panel but after we started a trial treatment she broke out in a Bartonella rash in addition to the herxing. Ultimately we had to take her off it because it caused her GI distress.


I wouldn't yet rule out Lyme or a co-infection.


Years before we started Lyme/Bartonella treatment -- when I thought we were just treating PANDAS-- we tried many different abx and the only ones that didn't make her worse were PenVK, which did not help, and Augmentin XR, which helped a lot. Now I realize she was herxing to all the other abx.


Have you seen an LLMD?

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