Guest Posted March 28, 2006 Report Posted March 28, 2006 Lisa, I'm pretty sure you were doing MB12 shots with your daughter? Are you still doing them? What pharmacy do you use and have you had any trouble with the shots being painful? I was using Hopewell with no problems, but I recently switched to Wellness Pharmacies. I did my first shot from them yesterday and it stung like crazy. I'm going to do one more and if it still stings I'll be calling and asking for a replacement batch. Carolyn
Giselle Posted March 28, 2006 Report Posted March 28, 2006 Hi Carolyn, not Lisa but had a question - the only time B12 stings for me is if it's mixed with B6, by any chance was this the case. B12 shouldn't sting as you guessed. Giselle
Guest Posted March 28, 2006 Report Posted March 28, 2006 Giselle, Nope, its only methyl-b12 only. I was a bit nervous about switching to Wellness Pharmacies because I've heard others complain about getting bad batches from them because the ph is messed up. I decided to give it a try. Carolyn
Sydsmom Posted March 28, 2006 Report Posted March 28, 2006 Carolyn, We have been doing MB12 but ran out in Feb. and hadn't been able to order any yet. (Mostly $$ things have come up - like the cost of her tutor) But I'm going to order more....I notice a difference in Sydnie and it's little things, mostly behavior. She does have an extra tic, but it's hard for me to pin point but we notice little differences. We see a doctor in Los Angeles, her name is Dr. Hirani and we order the MB12 from her. If you're having a hard time finding it, let me know and I'll email aunt Ann (or you can) and she'll know. Once she's back on it - I'll be more aware this time to note the changes but my husband who usually leaves all this to me mentioned he noticed a difference too. And regarding if it hurts, not normally. My husband gives her the shots and most times she doesn't feel a thing. It's when they both are tense that she complains of it hurting a little. BUT... she is a 12 year old drama queen P. S. What is the date of the rally?? Lisa
Guest Posted March 28, 2006 Report Posted March 28, 2006 Lisa, Thanks. I called wellness pharmacies and they said try letting it warm up for 30 minutes and if that doesn't help give them a call and they'll replace it when they make their next batch on Monday. I'll try that. I never had to let Hopewell Pharmacies warm up so I don't know. The rally is on April 6th in the morning. We won't be going over to Capital Hill until the afternoon so I won't be able to attend it. I think we have some training in the morning. Carolyn
Sydsmom Posted March 28, 2006 Report Posted March 28, 2006 I just thought of something Carolyn. Does your MB12 store in the refrigerator? We store ours in a dark cabinet with foil around the bottle per the doctors instructions. That may be the difference.
Guest Posted April 16, 2006 Report Posted April 16, 2006 Yes, my mb12 stores in the refrigerator. I called Wellness Pharmacies and they said mb12 stings and if it doesn't then its often subpotent. I asked Dr. Neubrander's brother this on Biochat and he said this is not true. Its due to the way its made. I'm going to try College Pharmacies. He said try College Pharmacy before switching back to Hopewell because they're cheaper. Since switching to Wellness Pharmacies I've been more on the constipated side. That was a big change I noticed when starting mb12 shots with Hopewell, I started having regular stool, but since switching to Wellness MB12 that has changed. Carolyn
Sydsmom Posted April 16, 2006 Report Posted April 16, 2006 I hope that works for you. We just got our new order in and will start Sunday. We are anxious to see if there are any improvements since (I think I stated before) we started everything at once last May which means we're not sure what's caused positives and what hasn't. So - will let you know if a few weeks what changes if any we see with the MB12 back in the picture. Lisa
Guest Posted April 21, 2006 Report Posted April 21, 2006 Lisa, Thanks, I hope yours work for Syd also. I'll look forward to hearing how yours go. I just received my new batch from College Pharmacy today and will start them on Monday. I'll let you know how they go. Carolyn
Guest Posted April 27, 2006 Report Posted April 27, 2006 I had my first shot from College Pharmacy on Monday and they stung worse than Wellness Pharmacy. Today was supposed to be my next shot day, but I can't even get myself to do a shot; it hurt so bad on Monday. I'm just going to take a month off from MB12 shots and toss this months and then start back with Hopewells. Carolyn
Sydsmom Posted April 27, 2006 Report Posted April 27, 2006 I'm so sorry to hear that. I wonder if you had a prescription if you could order from our doctor in Los Angeles? I do my ordering through the mail. is the pharmacy name on the bottle. We have been doing for 1 1/2 weeks. She seems to be in better spirits. Not as defensive. Nothing else has changed so I'm wondering if it's the MB12? Her tics are down to 1 lately. We'll see. I just know when my 12 year old is happy - we're all happy. Again, sorry to hear it didn't work for you Carolyn. Lisa
Guest Posted April 28, 2006 Report Posted April 28, 2006 I can order mb12 shots from any pharmacy since I have a prescription. I'd just have to get it transferred, but I think I'll stick with Hopewell when I go back to the shots. I never had any trouble with their's, just the price is terrible, but when the cheaper shots sting so badly it's worth the more expensive ones. Glad Syd is doing better. I hope it continues. Carolyn
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