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Posted (edited)

We went to the library yesterday to get books for our volcano unit in homeschool this week, and I always let my son play the computer games in the children's section for a bit while I collect the materials. He is always very good, doesn't bother anyone, and usually it's empty there because most other kids are in school then. Yesterday he was unconsciously putting the headphone cord in his mouth while he played (for some reason when he is coming out of an episode, the child chews everything-his fingers, his sleeve, etc--like he was a two year old, not six. Always been that way). Anyway, the librarian corrected him (I didn't see it, his back was to me) and told him "it was not sanitary" (which was funny, what six yr old knows what sanitary means?). Anyway, he quickly took it out of his mouth and kept playing, and it was fine (of course it isn't sanitary, and we don't need more germs!). Anyway, I thought about how much this kid has dealt with, and how putting a cord in his mouth rates about a 1 on my scale of things he does that concern me. I am contemplating having t-shirts made that say "I have an irritated basal ganglia. Buzz off." Who wants one???

Edited by MMWG

I like your t-shirt idea!


The mouthing things is really weird. My 14 year old was never a thumb sucker or pacifier user when little. While in his first P flair at 14, he constantly had fingers in his mouth and was very prone to kissing and hugging me (never typical for him).


Our son is only 4, and is a thumb sucker, but there was one PANDAS episode where he CONSTANTLY had his hands in his mouth - it was non-stop!


We knew it was PANDAS related, because it stopped when some of the other symptoms subsided too.


PS - I'll take 2 of the T's please, one for my son AND daughter!!! ;)


I'll take one too- I too have a 6 year old who when a baby did not use a pacifier, or thumb suck etc. Now one of his PANDAS symptoms is putting everything in his mouth. He has gotten much better as his flare has been subsiding (despite some blips the last few days)- however this week in school he had his fingers in his mouth and a teacher (not his) told him not to do it because his fingers were dirty, which sent him straight to the bathroom to wash his hands five times. Sigh. I have told people straight out his brain is inflamed- like the woman at the lab waiting to get her perfectly behaved kid's blood drawn. She said if her kid acted like mine he would "get what was coming to him" when he got home. So I said "Yeah well his brain is inflamed and he can't help it. Kind of shut her up! :D

Posted (edited)

Sign me up for a tee! Says I, whose ds began a new ritual out in the holiday-shopper-packed stores during our errands yesterday: must walk in teeny tiny baby steps and must do "eeney meenie" to determine which foot to lead with every time we stop and start walking again...

Edited by thenmama

Sign me up for a tee! Says I, whose ds began a new ritual out in the holiday-shopper-packed stores during our errands yesterday: must walk in teeny tiny baby steps and must do "eeney meenie" to determine which foot to lead with every time we stop and start walking again...



I'll trade ya! At the packed mall 2 days ago my son decided he needed to bend down and touch the gout between every 4th tile (ewwww) - when asked why - "to make sure it's safe to walk on". Oh - makes sense!


Fortunately, he's only done this in areas where there's ceramic tile and grout - no more mall trips for me - presents from Wal-Mart for everyone this year!!!


My son was never a thumb sucker or pacifier user. Before he was diagnosed with PANDAS he would literally suck on his sleeves of his shirt. The teacher thought it was disgusting. It would be soaking wet. She said that she couldn't wait for spring to come. I do remember doing this when I was young. What's wrong with me?


My middle son is constantly putting things in his mouth and his hands. We catch him all the time. He was a heavy pacifier user.He is 5


What is so odd is that we had all these chew tubes from 2 yrs ago before he was diagnosed (he was 4). Later that year I realized we didn't use them anymore, so I pitched them. Now, it's just like before. I need to track data on it to be sure, but I think for us it happens on the backend of an exacerbation--the last two times he had a bit of a mouth tic (sucking in the side of his lip), and then it transitioned to chewing his fingers and the tic went away...


I am positive it is somehow connected, as it comes and goes....


My 8-year old son also is constantly putting things in his mouth - he didn't used to do that. I thought maybe he's teething - getting molars or something. Didn't realize it could be PANDAS related. It also can be a sensory processing thing, which overlaps with PANDAS, doesn't it?

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