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HI all-

DS is on week 5 of Cedax. HE did not really have any herxing that I noticed, but he did seem to respond to it as he was having alot of sep anxiety and night time waking, and that has mostly disappeared in past 4 weeks.


In the past week to 12 days he has been waking up with headaches. Not every day, but more and more frequent (past 3 days in row). Any thoughts? I have LLMD appointment on Thrusdya, and want to ask some informed questions!


Since he has pandas and is known to react to viruses - I thought maybe he was fighting somehting off, but that doesn't seem to be it. Possibly he is grinding teeth at night...maybe his liver is having problems with alt he meds - its also a know side effect of the medcation (but would that happen after 4 weeks of taking it?)


I did also start to skip the occassional azithromycin - he's been on that for 2 years + so figured probably not doing anything. Don't think that could cause, but I dunno.


I guess I'll find out more on Thursday. We did blood work - not done in over 9 months - including a myco P titer to see if going up or down. Wish us luck.


Ugh, I wrote a response and lost it. I didn't have anything of great value to offer, but wanted to mention that my old LLMD said that the headaches can give her good information on what may be going on so she always asked detailed questions about where and how the head hurt. She said it could give a clue into whether it's lyme or coinfections, etc. Maybe your LLMD will be interested in that way. My head has been hurting lately due to detox I think. I'm glad to hear his anxiety is doing much better. I hope the headaches go away soon!




Hate to add this, sorry, gross, but when I hear teeth grinding, waking up at night,

and we've just come off a full moon, I think parasites.

.02 cents from the peanut gallery.

Hang in there, hope Thursday brings some clarification.

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