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I think this is the right one. It's not the one I used, but I hear that Vitamin Diagnositic is the best. Our test was negative but we are treating dd9 based on clinical diagnosis and having success with the treatemnt.


Hair analysis that we just did showed low zinc, even after all this zinc supplementation so that helped confirm that she needed it.




We used Vitamin Diagnostics


Go to Lab tests/Specific tests/Kryptopyrrol in urine


Klinghardt recommends a few changes in the step-by-step collection process - e.g. the lab says collect urine for 6 hrs, Klinghardt suggests a 24 hr catch, since levels vary throughout the day. If you decide to use this lab, you can PM me and I'll let you know the specific differences in directions. You must be off all supplements (e.g. vitamins and individual supplements like Vit D or zinc etc) for approx 5 days prior to the test.

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