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WE have a boy, 8 years, who we first noticed had reactions to food at 4. He ate scones, whip cream and strawberries. Within 10 minutes he had frequent urination- every 2 minutes that then lasted for 6 weeks. We did tests- all negative for infection, sugar etc. Allergist and GP had never seen this type of reaction to food. So they were of no help. In any case, because we had seen this reaction start right after the scones(3 plate full) we just took those items out of his diet-wheat, sugar, dairy and strawberries. He started to improve immediately but it did take us 6 weeks to be back to normal. In the meantime, we managed by confince him to wear pull ups to fall asleep and for car rides-as I could see he wasn't peeing so much as having the urge to pee.


Anyway, 9 months ago symptoms returned with eating foods we don't usually have. He was trading food at school, ++ birthdays etc. We tried again to uncover what precisely he was reacting to. In any case, he started to, in hind sight, develop obsessive thoughts and then full ocd 2 months ago.


It is just this past weekend when a pyschologist finally made the connection to his behaviour(ocd etc) and his reactions to food-frequest urination. Kids with PANDAS I guess have this symptom. In any case, we were relieved to start to see there is a connection for these kids with what they are eating(wheat, dairy, sugar, gluton) and these disorders-ocd, autism etc.


I finally found one health care professional/psychiatrist-boston area(james greenblat)- working on this in particular. We have taken out wheat and dairy today. With the protocols I am figuring out on internet-+++ nurtition, gut healing. We are starting fish oils, egg yolks, homemade almond mild smoothies, homeopathic detox/liver kidney support, inositol, multi's etc. In 48 hours we had a dramatic improvement of more than 50%. He even noticed and said he did not have to ask so many questions.


WE have a boy, 8 years, who we first noticed had reactions to food at 4. He ate scones, whip cream and strawberries. Within 10 minutes he had frequent urination- every 2 minutes that then lasted for 6 weeks. We did tests- all negative for infection, sugar etc. Allergist and GP had never seen this type of reaction to food. So they were of no help. In any case, because we had seen this reaction start right after the scones(3 plate full) we just took those items out of his diet-wheat, sugar, dairy and strawberries. He started to improve immediately but it did take us 6 weeks to be back to normal. In the meantime, we managed by confince him to wear pull ups to fall asleep and for car rides-as I could see he wasn't peeing so much as having the urge to pee.


Anyway, 9 months ago symptoms returned with eating foods we don't usually have. He was trading food at school, ++ birthdays etc. We tried again to uncover what precisely he was reacting to. In any case, he started to, in hind sight, develop obsessive thoughts and then full ocd 2 months ago.


It is just this past weekend when a pyschologist finally made the connection to his behaviour(ocd etc) and his reactions to food-frequest urination. Kids with PANDAS I guess have this symptom. In any case, we were relieved to start to see there is a connection for these kids with what they are eating(wheat, dairy, sugar, gluton) and these disorders-ocd, autism etc.


I finally found one health care professional/psychiatrist-boston area(james greenblat)- working on this in particular. We have taken out wheat and dairy today. With the protocols I am figuring out on internet-+++ nurtition, gut healing. We are starting fish oils, egg yolks, homemade almond mild smoothies, homeopathic detox/liver kidney support, inositol, multi's etc. In 48 hours we had a dramatic improvement of more than 50%. He even noticed and said he did not have to ask so many questions.


I should note that our older son-12 - has had minor tics for years- throat clearing. He also had two seizures earlier this year-and has been told he has childhood epilepsy. No more seizure though.


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