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From article- "The second infection doesn't even have to be directly involved with the brain. A bacterial lesion on a limb produces enough of a signal to make the glia in the brain pump out extra IL-1."







Just could not help but see a PANDAS connection here, as well. Very interesting, not sure what we can do with or about this info but interesting, nonetheless.


Interesting article, thanks! Well, anything regarding auto-immunity inherently has a PANS link, doesn't it?



Somehow I knew you would reply! That one seemed right up your alley.


While on the research topic. There was another one about Autism (although my son is not diagnosed ASD)- it talks about the "pruning" of the connections in the brain. You and I had hit on that in some of our previous posts when talking about weaning of AED's with onset of puberty etc.


Here it is:



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