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I haven't posted here in a while. My dd12 is recovering from her most recent and definitely most severe PANDAS exacerbation last winter. She has made great improvement; however, she still has a long way to go.


She is back in school this fall (modified schedule, late start and we're working on 504 accommodations) after being on homebound most of last year.


Here's my concern. She has suicidal ideations now and then. With her being back in school, we have to manage this (and she changes classes all day) so she remains safe and hopefully, in class as much as possible.


I've worked with her counselor and we are developing a folder for her to keep at school that she can refer to to try to re-direct herself. It includes:

  • Positive affirmations
  • Encouraging statments
  • Truths (positive)
  • Pics
  • Scents (hand sanitizer and lip gloss)


Faculty are all aware of this and will allow her to leave classroom when needed for this and/or urgent bathroom runs. Guidance counselor is going to place a permanent pass in her planner so she won't have trouble being stopped in the hall if a teacher doesn't have time to sign before she runs out of the room. Her teachers are all very supportive, view her as a responsible student and I know they are looking out for her. However, I'm still concerned that we need to close some loops.


My remaining concern involves the few short minutes between classes and if she does not report to class, how that would be handled as well as if she does leave the classroom and does not return fairly quickly. How would someone know if she did not go to the guidance office for help, for example? Also, whatever we decide, how would this information be communicated to a substitute?


Has anyone dealt with this issue and if so, how did you successfully manage it? Thank you!!

Posted (edited)

First off - I am sorry you are dealing with this. Suicidal ideations are horrible. As far as keeping your daughter safe, I would recommend soliciting help from whatever mental health agency deals with depression and suicidality in your area.


Some ideas that may help involve having a "covert" communication web among faculty and staff. For example, during change of classes teachers can stand out in the halls and know to keep an eye out for her as she passes from one room or one hall to the next. If she flashes the pass to go to guidance, the teacher should have a way to quickly email the guidance secretary and guidance counselor to let them know she is on the way - they should confirm that they received the email and are looking for her.


Does your school have cameras at exit doors or alarms at exit doors so you will know if she leaves the building? Teachers with classrooms near exit doors should be aware of your daughter and have a plan of how to report/ approach her if she they see her out their window and she is exiting.


It may be best to have one person in the school serve as "case manager" and that person could be the point person when your daughter leaves class at a time other than regular passing time. For example, a teacher could email the point person that your daughter just left for the bathroom - then email again when she returns. That way if she is not back at an expected time the point person could look for her.


Of course, the most important aspect of this is to keep it very confidential and not make it obvious to your daughter.

Edited by kimballot

Thank you for the input, Kim. You outlined some great points and I appreciate that! Obviously, the goal is to keep her in school... safely.


It is exhausting when this manifests. We met with her counselor today and will see Ped in the morning.


I will likely have to call the school to schedule a meeting with the 504 chair... again.


Oh phooey... is it? I'll go have a look and remove some. Thanks! :)

You can also email me here: PANDAS-Awareness@cox.net

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