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My head is spinning from too much reading this weekend! Take EVERYTHING I post in the coming weeks (if not always) with a grain of salt as I sort this out in my art--major mind (I barely passed chemistry - preferring to study a boy I had my eye on instead of the periodic table).


DS is taking CORE right now, which is Dr K's blend of supplements, and includes manganese. So I can't say what part manganese plays in his improvement vs. zinc or B6. So I'll just give you my still-evolving theory on lyme and deficiencies...and see what others have to say.


If lyme needs things like manganese to thrive, and mercury and/or zinc or other things to make strong biofilms, then I can see how one could argue that you'd be feeding the beast by supplementing. On the other hand, the bacteria strikes me as the bully in the building, and it's going to get fed first. So if you tried to "starve" it of nutrients, the body itself could starve first, with lyme taking whatever was available. So the other side of the argument is to mega-supplement, satisfying the lyme, yes, but also leaving enough for the body to function, which in turn might make it stronger to fight the infection. Perhaps lyme is starving the body as a self-defense strategy, making it's enemy, the body, weaker. IDK.


But like you, supplementing has produced some great results. Unfortunately, when we upped CORE to 3 pills last weekend, he ran a fever (a good sign I thought) but then hasn't recovered physically or cognitively. I backed down to 2 CORE on Wed. But no improvement. He's also quite cranky. So something else seems at play. Metals has crossed my radar and I'm trying to really think it all the way through before acting (even tho my gut is to want to act NOW). I've been involved in lots of conversations on forums about chlorella and mercury. That chlorella may be a good mercury magnet but lacks the chemical structure to make it a strong binding agent. That it could move mercury around without eliminating it. It gives me pause.


Magnesium on that supplement list I posted on Pandas forum also struck a chord for my son's symptoms. So it's possible we have a mercury problem (provoked urine showed elevated mercury but I also read that the test can be meaningless). It's possible we have a nutritional deficiency. Most reading I've done says to get the body and gut in shape before chelation anyway. So I think I will spend a month or two doing that and asking LLMD for some pre-chelation blood work (like yeast, glutathione levels, any detox-pathway tests that anyone knows of that might show potential detox problems?) Then we'll see how DS feels. If he still hits that 2month wall he always seems to hit, then we'll probably move forward with an every-other weekend chelation trial.


Much to think about and digest and I sure do wish I'd been blessed with a better scientific mind.

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