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I first want to say that I really appreciate all the help and information, all of you have given me. Sorry this is long, part of the reason I just needeed to vent. ( My husband now thinks he doesn't have Lyme) What do you think of the test results.


My husband started treatment with Dr. L an LLMD in June 2011.


These are his Ignex test results:


Igenex June 2011

IgM: 31 IND, 34 +, 41 IND

IgG: 41 ++


The doctor called the results highly suspcious.


My husbands main symptoms are diffficulty swallowing, difficulty with speech, left leg weakness ( that causes him to fall easily), right arm weakness

fatigue, brain fog and anxiety. We saw two Neurologist over a 6 month period before finally going to the LLMD, they could not find anything after lots of testing.


Unfortunately my husbands symptoms have not shown any real improvement yet with the oral antibiotics and now he is starting to think he doesn't have Lyme, but does have a neurological disease. The LLMD has told him it takes a long time to start seeing improvement, but he is becoming very frustrated over all of this.


He does have an Aunt with PSP ( a rare from of Parkinsons) he has had two Neurologist tell him he doesn't have it, but NOW he is back to thinking he does.


Some days I feel think, he is going to drive me crazy. Any input would be helpful.

THANKS, Debbie


My LLMD painted a better picture for me with a few more tests:

The CD57 (<60 is thought to be chronic Lyme, mine was 45)

C4a Test (Hope I am saying this right; but indicates chronic infections causing inflammation- normal range <2,880 and mine was 19,440!)


Also, although my Bartonella co-infection test came back sky high positive, my WB through Igenex for Lyme itself said 'negative' but very specific lyme only bands positive.

My LLMD then had me send in a Lyme PCR blood test through Ingenex, I see what that 'says' next Friday, but pretty sure it came back YES seeing the Lyme in the blood (another method of testing for it besides antibodies WB.)


Perhaps you can ask your husbands treating Doctors to do these tests. Lyme is pretty darn serious to dismiss.

Oh, and I am not showing any improvement, either, with oral antibiotics and herbals I am doing, in fact, worse in body pain, but it takes awhile!

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