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Just posted in Lyme forum, but thought since there are more people hanging out here who have pandas/lyme, I would post here too. Curious what Dr. B orders, and any other docs who are working on this.


Have been waiting for pandas doc to send orders for Igenex testing for over a month. Now, it turns out, I will be filling out the form and sending to them, so doctor can check test boxes and sign, then send back. So I want to maybe attach a note, as I'm guessing dr. won't remember what we talked about ordering (i sure don't), and maybe I can ask for certain tests.


DD7 was tested in November, and was "negative" on the basic lyme panel. But there were IND's on lyme specific bands, and some ='s too. Was told to leave it alone, it's negative.


DD is still not well. STILL ticcing all the time, with periods of horrible ticcing, still some ocd, etc. I'm not sold on lyme, but before proceeding further with anything else immune-modulating, I want to try to rule it out. We have not yet tested for co-infections, and that bothers me. Now pandas doc says we should test co-infections, etc...


So can anyone tell me which tests would be best to run (assuming I haven't robbed any banks lately)? Definitely want to rule out Bartonella, etc. Is it 5090 (Complete co-infection panel) or 5095 (NEW complete co-infection panel)?


Also, she was on low doze zithromax for 8 months, then switched to Keflex for strep infection a little over a month ago...still on Keflex. Is it a problem to test for these while on anbibiotics?


Is there any point in doing the 188,189 (IgG & IgM Western Blot) again? Her Igenex CD 57 was really high. Her IFA was equivocal (?)



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