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I decided this year to let the teachers get to know my son a bit since he has been in remission lately and today on the 7th day of school I sent in THE Letter. ;) I tried in one page to sum up who my son is and who he is with PANDAS and what PANDAS is. I told them they may not see symptoms for months at a time but wanted them to know what it might look like.

I got a call this evening that all of his teachers saw a different kid today- this one's handwriting was awful, he swore in class, he yelled out a rude comment at another kid and was fidgety and physically restless. So much for remission it sounds like. I can't believe the timing but I also can't picture him purposely testing the teachers either. The chances of being on the same day as the letter are bizarre though.

Anyway it looks like we are heading towards a 504 which is fine with me, his previous principal would not allow us to have one. I would like to hear from others what sort of things did they include because with the transient nature of this I want to make sure the plan makes sense. Thanks for any help you can offer!


So much for remission it sounds like. I can't believe the timing but I also can't picture him purposely testing the teachers either. The chances of being on the same day as the letter are bizarre though.


very bizarre on the same day! i can't help with your question b/c we are in the same basic place.


certainly not to sway you from anything you feel you need to do healthwise... just sharing thoughts from our past month. this is ds's 4th week in school and it's been troublesome getting through the door, but once in class, he's great. i've been thinking a lot about stress as a trigger. considering a bit of stress for ds, he's done quite well -- we moved the friday before school began on wednesday, an earthquake during the 1.5 hours this school phobic child was in the building for meet your teacher day, a hurricane and 4 day power outage and beginning a new school.


after the first week, ds's face was broken out around his mouth, he was slipping into some obstenant refusals, he was protecting his palms after washing hands before eating, he was asking about expiration dates. i'm sure there's others i can't recall right now. i was starting to panic that he's not really as healthy as we've been thinking he is. now -- 4th week -- he's back to himself. still trouble getting through the door and i come back for lunch -- but he's back to his general self at home and i think the things we were seeing that are red flags have dissipated. i tend to think it's more than just a 'normal' stress reaction. i think it's a bit of a mini-exacerbation due to stress -- whether that's due to permeability due to BBB, increase in troublesome blood chemicals or what, i don't know.


so -- your ds's remission may be slipping or it could be slipping due to the stress of back to school -- ?? good luck.


i just found this website that seems helpful -- i like he way they lay out 'symptom' and then the appropriate accomodation. it's a website for bipolar -- which is tranient as well, so symtpoms are listed as "student may. . . " and then the appropriate accomodation. seems reasonable for what may come up but not saying it's to be done if it's not an issue at the time.



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