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MomWithOCDSon and Worried Dad -- How many mg. of Augmentin XR per day?


1,000 mg. XR, originally twice daily for a total of 2,000 mg. We've recently began to cut back, down to 1,000 mg. XR in the morning and 500 mg. regular Augmentin in the evening. Knock on wood, but this time, so far, so good.


2000 mg daily for 2 years now. We're about to try ramping down to 1500 mg to see how that goes.


worried dad -- please do post about how that goes. i am interested in ramping down stories. thanks.


Yes, please WD, keep us posted.


About 3 weeks ago now, with our DS doing well and holding steady, we decided to once again try stepping it down. We started out just switching out one 1,000 mg. XR for a 500 mg. regular Augmentin every other night. Now, after about 3 weeks of doing that and seeing no negative impacts, we're about to go for a 500 mg. nightly, in place of the XR.


This'll be about our 5th trial of decreasing the XR in more than 2 years, and we're holding our breath that, this time, it'll work! So far, so good, and that's better than he's done in previous trials. But we're on pins and needles nevertheless! Feel like it's time, though.


Good luck to you!


We were originally on azith (don't remember the dosage now) but he was getting strep on that at full dose.


We now are doing Cefdinir - 250 mg once a day (he's only 32 lbs, a little guy).


We had success with both abx, although our experiences with each were a bit different.


On the azith, it was a more extreme wax/waning pattern. We saw long periods of solid improvement (days, even as long as a couple of weeks with hadrly a symptom). But when his syptoms would ramp up again they were extreme. He is very sensitive to exposure, and most of his "flares" would happen when he was exposed to strep.


After catching strep 3 time while on azith (2x at proph dose and 1x on full), we switched to Cefdinir. Again, we saw significant improvment, however, with the Cefdir, we weren't getting those long, calm stretches. But his symptoms were war less severe when he did have them. On the cefdinir, we no longer had any really dysfunctional days (you know, the kind where you just can't leave the house), but we did have some symptoms present every day (albeit very mild and manageable, this is when the CBT really became useful for us).


For us, both abx worked, but in a different way. At first, I missed the long stretches of calm that the azith gave us, but I appreciate more the fact that we're a consistently functioning family on the cefdinir, even if we've topped out at 85% back to normal (for now.)


2000 mg daily for 2 years now. We're about to try ramping down to 1500 mg to see how that goes.


worried dad -- please do post about how that goes. i am interested in ramping down stories. thanks.


Yep, I'll share the results. To be completely candid: we tried ramping down this summer from 2000 mg to 1000 mg (we had a script for the 1000 mg XR pills, so couldn't really go to 1500). After about 3 weeks, our son said he felt things coming back, so we returned to the 2000 mg dose. Kinda bummed me out, frankly... but it was worth a shot. (Our other 2 boys continue to show high strep titers per blood test, so - unfortunately - our PANDAS ds may still be living in "Strep Central". The LLMD is running repeat titers on them before he decides how to proceed.)


Anyway, our doc prescribed the 500-mg XR pills this time so we can try incremental reduction. We're starting 1500 mg this week and will see how things go.


I hope to share a "ramp-down success story" soon!!!


Both boys on Augmentin.


Worried Dad and MOMWITHOCDSON..........I am sooooooo hoping the reduction goes well for you and yours!! I will be checking in to see the results and praying for good news!!


DS14 receives prophylactic azith 250mg daily. We (and he) prefer azith to bicillin / penicillin for strep prevention.


At first sign of suspected break through infection, he gets clindamycin & rifampin. Combo works great for him.


My son gets 250mg daily of azith and was on cefdinir (omnicef) 400mg a day. The azith worked wonders for us from May till late July then it all started back while still on azith. The cefdinir didn't help, caused him to feel sick to his stomach, throw up and now is on day 4 of hives. Needless to say we stopped that med last night.


I personally would like to try augmentine xr for our son. We had 6 days of extreme herx with reg augmen. last Jan. But then he did much better.


Right now I am leaning toward augmen xr or I may try to pull all antibiotics to see how he will cope after 4mths of antibiotics. I don't know but more antibiotics only made us worse so I am thinking of switching gears.

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