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Hello everyone,


I had been noticing over the summer that our 11 year old son's tics were increasing/adding new ones. When I thought about it the main change over the summer is that he has been eating more sugar (sleepovers/camping etc). On a hunch I got his GP to prescribe nystatin. Well two weeks later the throat clearing tic that he's had since he was five is gone (possibly temporarily) but last night for the first time we read together without him clearing his throat constantly. The other tics have noticeably improved. We are going to endeavor to cut down on sugar and other yeast causing foods so that when he comes off the nystatin he won't have a huge relapse. The weird thing is that he's always been on probiotics and we have limited his sugar he hasn't taken a lot of antibiotics so it's odd that he would have yeast.

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