taytay Posted August 24, 2011 Report Posted August 24, 2011 My dh and I are both very relunctant to give 12yo dd prozac for anxiety associated with her severe ocd. We are as a family really trying to gently break through the barrier of denial she has maintained. She was diagnosed last April but was sick for a year and a half before we knew what was wrong. Her OCD has become very entrenched and even though she is better after almost 3 months of abx she is still very OCD. She is not making any progress in CBT in fact her behavior gets even worse when she is in the presence of any doctor or therapist. I am wondering if anyone has had any success with any supplements. We are very nervous about trying even a very gradual increased regiment of prozac. I think it is the fear and anxiety that needs to be lessened so she will be ready to work in therapy. I've heard of different supplements but don't know which ones are effective for mental anxiety and fear. We are considering traveling to Florida to the Rothman Center too but want to get dd in a better place first. Thanks.
peglem Posted August 24, 2011 Report Posted August 24, 2011 Magnesium helps with my daughter's anxiety. We also use valium on an as needed basis, but not regular enough to establish dependency. The problem I've found with using supplements is that what and how much of it will help varies so much from person to person. You can get too much of a good thing and make things worse, or get not enough and think it doesn't help. Its all about finding balance.
MomWithOCDSon Posted August 24, 2011 Report Posted August 24, 2011 Given previous forum posts, papers that have been circulated, and our personal experiences, these are some of the "natural" supplements that supposedly help with anxiety and/or OCD: - inositol ("natural SSRI;" we tried but didn't seem to get any boost from it; supposed to build dose gradually, as with a typical SSRI) - NAC (amino acid; supposedly reduces glutamatergic brain activity; studies done at Yale through NIMH on use of it with OCD in both kids and and adults; at 14 and 140 lbs., our DS is adult-sized, so he now takes Yale-utilized adult dose, which is 3,000 mg. daily; we believe it has helped DS; needs to be paired with adequate Vitamin C for effective use - valerian root (herb; we use periodically at times of stress for DS, and it does seem to help calm; one gelcap per dose for him; reportedly also modulates glutamate) - Vitamin B12 (one parent here has noted that her DS actually receives Vitamin B12 injections, I think every 2 weeks; supposedly modulates glutamate and thus reduces anxiety; we've been using the sublingual tablets for our DS, again, sort of like the valerian root -- at times of stress -- it may be a placebo effect, but it does seem to help him for a short period of time) Just as a little extra note in the event you haven't come across this before . . . they are now re-investigating a somewhat dated study that certain antibiotics (namely d-cycloserine) increased the effectiveness of CBT among patients with OCD when taken something like 30 minutes to one hour before a therapy session. Dr. Storch's team at USF has actually recreated the study with kids, and they've found that there is some efficacy to this use of d-cycloserine. Scientists currently think that the antibiotic is an agonist for glutamate receptors in the brain, so glutamate is, again, part of the picture. So it seems likely that supplements which assist with either the modulation of glutamate or the "negating" of glutamate receptors is beneficial for our anxious kids. Good luck to you!
emst Posted August 26, 2011 Report Posted August 26, 2011 Our Dr rec for our daughter we use l-Theanine 200 mg in the a.m. 200 mg after school 2 capsules of Norlox a.m. 5htp in the a.m. 300 mg pycnogenol in the a.m. -- we worked up to those doses Nordic Naturals EPAxtra 4 capsules a day She also gets Magnesium Citrate 500 mg in the evening Kirkmans every day multi - important to round out deficiencies For sleep we use Hylands sleep tablets and we give Kirkman slow release melatonin 2.5 mg Most of these supplements available at "Lee Silsby Our Kids" pharmacy (enter the shipping code FREE) they are crazy nice and crazy fast, Norlox I get on Amazon.com ------------------------------------------------- Here's a list I got from another board that I keep on hand, important to remember anxiety isn't just anxiety it is a symptom of body dysregulation - you'll need a few tricks in your bag. Anti-Anxiety Solutions Posted by: "autisminfomaniac" autisminfomaniac@yahoo.com autisminfomaniac Mon Feb 9, 2009 6:46 am (PST) Check with your DAN doctor on specifics... hese Substances may Alleviate Anxiety Substances that alleviate Anxiety are known as Anxiolytics (also known as Sedatives). Alcohols Dimethylvinylcarbin ol may alleviate Anxiety (due it sedating the CNS). [more info] Amino Acids 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptopha n) may alleviate Anxiety. references Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) may reduce Anxiety. references Arginine (combined with Lysine) may reduce Stress-induced Anxiety. references Anxiety may be caused by Histidine imbalances. [more info] Lysine (combined with Arginine) may reduce Stress-induced Anxiety. references Phenylalanine may alleviate some cases of Anxiety. references Taurine may alleviate Anxiety (by sedating the Central Nervous System). references Theanine may be useful for the treatment of Anxiety (due to its ability to stimulate the generation of (relaxing) Alpha Waves in the Brain). references Threonine may alleviate Anxiety. [more info] Tryptophan may alleviate Anxiety. references Tyrosine may alleviate Anxiety. references Animal-Derived Supplements Stabilium may alleviate Anxiety - the effect of Stabilium is described as being mild. long-term and subjectively subtle (compared to the powerful but short-term effects of Benzodiazepines) . references Enzymes Pyruvate Dehydrogenase may help to prevent Anxiety (by inhibiting the conversion of Pyruvic Acid to Lactic Acid). Hormones DHEA (Dehydroepiandroste rone) may alleviate Anxiety. references Supplemental Melatonin often may alleviate Anxiety (due to its ability to bind to Benzodiazepine Receptors). references Supplemental Pregnenolone may be useful for the treatment of Anxiety. references Lipids Phosphatidylserine may alleviate Anxiety. references Minerals Anxiety may occur as a result of Calcium deficiency. Calcium may help to prevent Anxiety by lowering elevated Lactic Acid levels. references Anxiety may occur as a result of Iron deficiency. [more info] Anxiety patients are often deficient in Magnesium and supplemental Magnesium (400 - 900 mg per day) may alleviate some cases of Anxiety. references Anxiety may occur as a result of Potassium deficiency. references Anxiety may occur as a result of Selenium deficiency and supplemental Selenium may reduce Anxiety in such patients. references Neurotransmitters Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) prevents Anxiety messages from reaching the motor centers of the Brain by filling the Benzodiazepine Receptors within the Brain - Vitamin B3 and Inositol are essential cofactors for this process. references Low levels of Histamine may cause Anxiety. [more info] Anxiety may occur as a result of insufficient production of Serotonin. references Polyphenols Apigenin may alleviate Anxiety (by binding to and activating Benzodiazepine Receptors). references Chrysin binds to and activates Benzodiazepine Receptors - this activation of Benzodiazepine Receptors may help to alleviate Anxiety. references Ferulic Acid may alleviate Anxiety. references Gamma Oryzanol may alleviate Anxiety. references Smart Drugs Centrophenoxine may alleviate Anxiety. references Dilantin may reduce Anxiety. references Dimethylaminoethano l (DMAE) may alleviate Anxiety. references Gamma-Hydroxybutyri c Acid (GHB) may alleviate Anxiety (by enhancing the function of Gamma Aminobutyric Acid). [more info] Gerovital (GH-3) may alleviate Anxiety (especially in the elderly). references Nimodipine may alleviate Anxiety. [more info] Ondansetron may alleviate Anxiety (by antagonizing the 5-HT3 Receptors within the Brain, facilitating the release of Acetylcholine and preventing excessive Serotonin activity). [more info] Oxiracetam may alleviate Anxiety. references Picamilon may alleviate Anxiety (without producing sedation). references Piracetam may alleviate Anxiety. references Pramiracetam may alleviate Anxiety in Alzheimer's Disease patients. Pyroglutamate may alleviate Anxiety. references Vinpocetine may alleviate some cases of Anxiety (where Anxiety is caused by Cerebral Insufficiency) . references Zatosetron may alleviate Anxiety (by antagonizing the 5-HT3 Receptors within the Brain, facilitating the release of Acetylcholine and preventing excessive Serotonin activity). Sulfuric Compounds Methylsulfonylmetha ne (MSM) (3,000 - 9,000 mg per day) may alleviate Anxiety. references Vitamins Folic Acid (especially when administered concurrently with Vitamin B12) may alleviate Anxiety. [more info] Inositol may alleviate Anxiety (by enhancing the ability of GABA to bind to the Benzodiazepine Receptors in the Brain). references Vitamin B1 may alleviate many cases of Anxiety (by activating the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase enzyme, thereby inhibiting the conversion of Pyruvic Acid to Lactic Acid - Lactic Acid is an underlying cause of Anxiety). references The Niacinamide form of Vitamin B3 (1,000 - 6,000 mg per day) may alleviate Anxiety (by enhancing the ability of GABA to bind to the Benzodiazepine Receptors within the Brain). references Vitamin B6 may alleviate Anxiety. references Vitamin B12 (administered concurrently with Folic Acid) may alleviate Anxiety. [more info] Anxiety may increase the body's requirements for Vitamin C. references These Foods/Herbs may Alleviate Anxiety Aromatic Oils Neroli Oil (vapors inhaled via Aromatherapy) may alleviate Anxiety. references Fungi (Mushrooms) Reishi Mushrooms may alleviate Anxiety. [more info] Herbs Ashwagandha may alleviate Anxiety. references Black Cohosh reputedly alleviates some cases of Anxiety (according to folklore). [more info] Brahmi may alleviate Anxiety. references Chamomile may alleviate some cases of Anxiety (by sedating the Central Nervous System). references Corydalis may alleviate Anxiety. references Ginger may alleviate Anxiety. references Ginkgo biloba may alleviate some cases of Anxiety (especially when Anxiety is caused by Cerebral Insufficiency) . references Gotu Kola may alleviate Anxiety. references Green Tea may be useful for the treatment of Anxiety (due to the Theanine content of Green Tea stimulating the generation of (relaxing) Alpha Waves in the Brain). references Hops may alleviate Anxiety by sedating the Central Nervous System (primarily due to the Dimethylvinylcarbin ol content of Hops). references Kava Kava (300 mg per day) may alleviate Anxiety (primarily due to the Pyrones content of Kava Kava). references Korean Ginseng may alleviate Anxiety. references Magnolia may alleviate Anxiety. references Marapuama may alleviate Anxiety. references Passion Flower may alleviate Anxiety (primarily due to the Bioflavonoids and Harmala Alkaloids of Passion Flower sedating the Central Nervous System). references Sage may reduce Anxiety. references Saint John's Wort may alleviate Anxiety. references Skullcap may alleviate Anxiety. references Shankhpushpi may alleviate Anxiety. [more info] Valerian may alleviate Anxiety. references Zizyphus may alleviate Anxiety. [more info] Seeds Coriander Seeds may alleviate Anxiety. references In-Tele-Health © 2006 (from Hyperhealth Pro CD-ROM) Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 10. These Substances may Cause/Exacerbate Anxiety Posted by: "autisminfomaniac" autisminfomaniac@yahoo.com autisminfomaniac Mon Feb 9, 2009 6:47 am (PST) These Substances may Cause/Exacerbate Anxiety "Anxiety may occur as a result of over-proliferation of Candida albicans." Aldehydes Acetaldehyde may cause Anxiety. references Alkaloids Anxiety may occur as a result of Caffeine withdrawal or from excessive consumption of Caffeine (caffeinism) . Caffeine may contribute to Anxiety by elevating Lactic Acid levels. Excessive consumption of Ephedrine may cause Anxiety by causing excessive stimulation of the Central Nervous System (CNS). references Anxiety may occur as a result of Nicotine (i.e. Tobacco Smoking) withdrawal. Excessive dosages of Yohimbine may cause Anxiety in some persons. Amino Acids Excessive consumption of Aspartic Acid may cause Anxiety (by causing over-stimulation of the N-methyl-D -aspartate (NMDA) Receptors in the Brain. Excessive consumption of Glutamic Acid may cause Anxiety (by causing over-stimulation of the N-methyl- D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptors in the Brain. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) may cause Anxiety (by causing over-stimulation of the N-Methyl-D- Aspartate (NMDA) Receptors in the Brain. Excessive dosages (more than 1,500 - 2,400 mg per day) of Phenylalanine supplements may cause Anxiety. references Tyramine may cause Anxiety (by overstimulating the Adrenal Glands and depleting reserves of Norepinephrine) . Environmental Toxins Amalgam Dental Fillings may cause Anxiety (due to the Mercury component of Amalgam Dental Fillings): references - Epidemiological evidence indicates that young people with Mercury-containing Amalgam Dental Fillings have a greater incidence of Anxiety compared to young people with no Amalgam Dental Fillings. Food Additives Aspartame may cause Anxiety (primarily due to its Methanol content). Hormones Excessive production of Adrenaline within the body may cause unpleasant over-stimulation that manifests as Anxiety. Excessive production of Cholecystokinin (CCK) may cause Anxiety. Minerals Cadmium may cause Anxiety. Excessive consumption of Copper may cause Anxiety. Exposure to Mercury may cause Anxiety. references Organic Acids The accumulation or production of excessive amounts of endogenous Lactic Acid (produced within the body during metabolism) may cause Anxiety (this form of Anxiety is known as Lactate Induced Anxiety Syndrome (LIAS)). references Pharmaceutical Drugs Long-term usage of Barbiturates may cause Anxiety. Anxiety may occur as a result of the Withdrawal Syndrome associated with cessation of Benzodiazepines use (despite the fact that Benzodiazepines are usually initially used to treat Anxiety). Bupropion may cause Anxiety in some persons. Anxiety is a common side effect of Clomiphene (a Fertility Drug). Anxiety may occur as a result of cessation of usage of Minor Tranquilizers. Prozac therapy may cause Anxiety (due to the increased levels of Serotonin associated with Prozac). Recreational Drugs Although Alcohol (ethanol) may temporarily alleviate Anxiety (by binding to the Benzodiazepine Receptors in the Brain), long-term or excessive consumption of Alcohol may cause Anxiety (by damaging the Benzodiazepine Receptors within the Brain) - Alcoholics usually experience Anxiety as a result of Alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol may also contribute to Anxiety be elevating Lactic Acid levels. references These Beverages/Herbs may Cause Anxiety Caffeine-Containing Beverages Anxiety may occur as a result of withdrawal from drinking Coffee (this is due to Caffeine withdrawal). Herbs Excessive consumption of Ephedra may cause Anxiety (this occurs from the Ephedrine component of Ephedra causing excessive stimulation of the Central Nervous System). These Ailments may Cause Anxiety Digestive System Anxiety may occur as a result of over-proliferation of Candida albicans. Metabolism Anxiety may occur as one of the minor symptoms of Fibromyalgia - 62% of Fibromyalgia patients experience Anxiety, Irritability and overconcern without any specific precipitating events causing these feelings. Anxiety may occur as a result of Hypoglycemia. Anxiety may occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. references Pyroluria patients may experience Anxiety. Nervous System Anxiety may occur as a result of Adrenal Insufficiency. references Anxiety may be caused by Cerebral Insufficiency (impaired Blood Circulation to the Brain). Over stimulation of the N-methyl-D-aspartat e (NMDA) Receptors in the Brain may cause Anxiety. Nutritional Ailments Anxiety may occur as a symptom of Pellagra. In-Tele-Health © 2006 (from Hyperhealth Pro CD-ROM)
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