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Homeopathy with PANDAS Teenagers

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I am very curious if there are any teenage (or older) PANDAS children that are having success with homeopathy. I have read the book "Out of the Fog" by Beth Eberhardt whose teen-aged PANDAS son was healed with homeopathy, but I wondered if there are any others. Also wondering how long the improvement took and what remedies were used.

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Hi Christianmom~


I don't have teenagers that we are dealing with, my kids are only 6 and 7. But I wanted to let you know I also read "Out of the Fog" and actually contacted Beth with questions. When I did, I left my number and she actually called me within 24hours. We spoke for almost an hour, and she was so helpful and informative. So I would recommend contacting her by email or phone, she is wonderful.



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