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I just received my son's kit for KPU testing from Vitamin Diagnosics. The instructions say to have him off of all medications for 48 hours before taking the urine specimen, if the doctor allows. This is not possible right now. Should I wait to have the test done until this would be OK or just go ahead and have it done while my son is on antibiotics? (He is on three--biaxin, amoxicillin, and rifampin.) I have no idea how long it will be before he can go off of antibiotics for 48 hours.

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I just received my son's kit for KPU testing from Vitamin Diagnosics. The instructions say to have him off of all medications for 48 hours before taking the urine specimen, if the doctor allows. This is not possible right now. Should I wait to have the test done until this would be OK or just go ahead and have it done while my son is on antibiotics? (He is on three--biaxin, amoxicillin, and rifampin.) I have no idea how long it will be before he can go off of antibiotics for 48 hours.


You can call them and confirm, but I was assured by our LLMD that being on antibiotics is fine. You need to be off of supplements - particularly things like vitamins, mineral supplements, etc. I tend toward the conservative, so we stopped all supplements for a week but stayed on abx. The woman I spoke with was very helpful. A little hard to understand, but very willing to help.

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We have the kit for this too, but we haven't done it yet - trying to find the "right" time. I didn't find the instructions very clear. Our doctor said to stop all vitamins for 5 days prior. When I asked what they consider a "vitamin," they just kept repeating "vitamins." :wacko: The instructions also said the person should be under stress during the urine test, but its summer vacation, so I'm not sure how we're supposed to stress him. I'm thinking about doing it the day before school starts. :P


So I would love to hear any feedback on this as well.


LLM - did you stop probiotics as well?

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No - did not stop probiotics or abx. Did stop detox stuff like glutathione and milk thistle, tho may not have needed to. But I didn't want anything "non-essential" influencing the results. Probably extra cautious on my part. The important thing is to stop the vitamins and minerals.


As for stress - we did the test the first week in July. I figured swimming and running around was a kind of stress. We got a positive result without any induced stress.

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Should I stop curcumin and homeopathic remedy phosphorus? Thank you.


No - did not stop probiotics or abx. Did stop detox stuff like glutathione and milk thistle, tho may not have needed to. But I didn't want anything "non-essential" influencing the results. Probably extra cautious on my part. The important thing is to stop the vitamins and minerals.


As for stress - we did the test the first week in July. I figured swimming and running around was a kind of stress. We got a positive result without any induced stress.

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I can't really answer that. I guess it depends on how much you feel it's "essential". I chose not to give any supplements (other than probiotics) just to be conservative. What I found was that all the stuff we give does actually help, as DS was feeling the difference and really wanted to start taking all those pills again when the test was over. But nothing he took aside from the abx/probiotics was "essential" - more that the supplements help reduce his symptoms and support his body.


I wouldn't think curcumin would influence the test, as you could eat a diet rich in curcumin and they don't tell you to change your diet. But if it's something you think he could go without for 5 days, then personally, I'd probably go without. But that's me. I don't know anything about the phosphorus. But would use the same criteria. If essential, keep it. If not, try to go without for a few days. JMO.

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LLM -- Thank you. I will probably keep him on the curcumin and phosphorus as he has been herxing pretty badly the last couple of days and I don't want to do anything to make it any worse. The herxing started a couple days after the rifampin was added (to his amoxicillin and biaxin). I'm hoping it is a good sign.

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I just found this on wikipedia:

Too much phosphate can ... interfere with the body's ability to use iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc.[48]


Since this is what the KPU test is all about, you may want to talk with one of the lab technicians at Vitamin Diagnostics or your homeopath. Sorry to contradict what I posted earlier, but perhaps the phosphorus is closer to the vitamin/mineral category they want you to avoid than I initially thought. I'd check with someone knowledgeable.

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We took the test, but it was not from Vitamin Diagnositcs so I don't know how reliable it was :(


dd8 tested on the high side of normal. We are treating her anyway and she's reacting as expected if she did have KPU. I stopped all vitamins and minerals for 5-7 days per Dr. Klinghardt's recommendation (I picked 7 days) and I left any other supplements or meds (abx, probiotics and seizure meds).



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