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Hello All,


Just wanted to relate a little pearl. I had reported on new onset teeth grinding when my DS11 started Prozac 10 mg. Good news is that after 8-9 weeks at this dosage, we are seeing good things. Not 100%- but much improved. About 70% improvment in the behaviors we were targeting. Anyway, took him to the dentist yesterday- for 6 month, routine cleaning.DDS picked up on fact that his teeth showed evidence of grinding. Had never mentioned this in past. I shared observation of tooth grinding since begining Prozac and he said this is well known side effect from SSRI's. Some SSRI's are worse offenders than others- Prozac being one of the more problem ones in that class of meds. Has to do with the effect on neurotransmitters.


Did a little google scholar search....sure enough- lots of research on teeth grinding (bruxism) and SSRI's! Can't believe I didn't do that before. So, mystery solved. By the Dentist:) Son is still teeth grinding at night- not as badly as when he first started. Hoping it fades away in time- if not- can always change to one of the more less offensive SSRI's?? Cross that bridge with follow up appt with neuro in October.


Anyway, thinking of increasing Prozac just by 5 mg to see if that gets us the rest of the way with behaviors.Here is one article on bruxism with SSRI's:




Hello All,


Just wanted to relate a little pearl. I had reported on new onset teeth grinding when my DS11 started Prozac 10 mg. Good news is that after 8-9 weeks at this dosage, we are seeing good things. Not 100%- but much improved. About 70% improvment in the behaviors we were targeting. Anyway, took him to the dentist yesterday- for 6 month, routine cleaning.DDS picked up on fact that his teeth showed evidence of grinding. Had never mentioned this in past. I shared observation of tooth grinding since begining Prozac and he said this is well known side effect from SSRI's. Some SSRI's are worse offenders than others- Prozac being one of the more problem ones in that class of meds. Has to do with the effect on neurotransmitters.


Did a little google scholar search....sure enough- lots of research on teeth grinding (bruxism) and SSRI's! Can't believe I didn't do that before. So, mystery solved. By the Dentist:) Son is still teeth grinding at night- not as badly as when he first started. Hoping it fades away in time- if not- can always change to one of the more less offensive SSRI's?? Cross that bridge with follow up appt with neuro in October.


Anyway, thinking of increasing Prozac just by 5 mg to see if that gets us the rest of the way with behaviors.Here is one article on bruxism with SSRI's:



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