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Update on helminthic therapy! :D

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Guest pandas16
Posted (edited)

I was debating when to post my update with helminthic therapy. For any of you who have read my story, I had very severe PANDAS as a child that was in remission for + 10 years until this year. 6 months ago I woke up again completely debilitated with severe vocal and motor tics to the point where I had to go on disability from my job. I also had OCD and some of the other problems associated with PANDAS but mainly very incapacitating tics. I went to a doctor in New York who is using helminthic therapy with Trichuris Suis Ova for adult autism. It’s based off of the hygiene hypothesis which is that we co-evolved with parasites which induce a th2/t regulatory response and stop our body from overreacting to bacteria/attacking ourselves. It’s unproven, but it is in clinical trials for adult autism, peanut allergy and multiple sclerosis. I think it's in phase III clinical trials for crohns. I did this treatment under the care of my doctor who thought it was a fit after looking at my blood work. (I'm not immunodeficient)


Here is my overall experience:

TSO 2500 Dose 1- No change

TSO 2500 Dose 2- No change

TSO 2500 Dose 3- No change

TSO 2500 Dose 4- No change

TSO 2500 Dose 5- SEVERE worsening of ALL PANDAS symptoms, horrible arthritis, horrible acne, food allergies worsened, seasonal allergies worsened. Every autoimmune/inflammation problem worsened 10 fold.

TSO 2500 Dose 6- SEVERE worsening of ALL PANDAS symptoms, horrible arthritis, horrible acne, food allergies worsened, seasonal allergies worsened. Every autoimmune/inflammation problem worsened 10 fold.

TSO 2500 Dose 7- SEVERE worsening of ALL PANDAS symptoms, horrible arthritis, horrible acne, food allergies worsened, seasonal allergies worsened. Every autoimmune/inflammation problem worsened 10 fold.

TSO 2500 Dose 8- Starting to feel very good. VERY minor flare, some tics, some OCD and some depression, suddenly feeling about 80% better.

TSO 2500 Dose 9 - Today I took dose 9 of TSO, almost no exacerbation. My OCD is completely gone, my tics are completely gone. My mood is great. I’d say I’m 95% PANDAS free and still have to go to dose 15!


The worsening keep getting less and less and I feel better and better. My allergies & asthma are better too! I no longer have any joint pain! I still have to go to the doctors to have everything checked again. I guess my appointment with Dr. Bouboulis on the 23rd will be the official say whether or not my allergies are gone! How cool would that be if EVERYTHING WAS GONE???? I guess I’ll keep updating even though not a lot of people are using this!



Before I leave for Paris in September I hope to have the before and after of the following

Lyme teat western blot- I was originally Igm only positive for p23 also had IgG p41 (overall negative)

Mycoplasma igg only

Strep before levels were 55

Food allergies too many to list lol

Seasonal allergies too many to list

Food Sensitivities casein

Mitral Valve Prolapse


PS THIS IS MY 5th MONTH into TSO. I didn't start to see a positive change until 5 months into this!!

Edited by pandas16

Sorry to sound ignorant, but what is this type of therapy?

also, were you treated for the IgM 23 positive? Another of my kids started having tics (already has touching/tapping issues) and tested positive to band 23 igm....they said "not lyme"

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