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For us fish oil in any amount was not good for our child. It made his ticks worse. I know some kids get better on it but I have read it can make the tics worse. I would pull it and see how they do without it. I was shocked that his ticks got so much better and then even better with the Azith. I told my son that he had no choice and take the liquid because he had to get better. If he didn't then he would have to learn how to swallow a pill. I made it his choice. He got tired of the liquid and started pills. He gagged many mornings and would just stand there, but then eventually it became easier. I did this with my older son too. He could take pills or keep tasting his ADHD meds in the morning which were awful. He also made the choice and started gagging down pills. Now we leave the house at 6 in the morning so I am mean and grumpy ha ha, but they made the choice. They have to get better and this medicine is the key. I try and make my sons a part of what's happening to them and give them some choices. Again this is just us and there are a lot of other families I am sure that can help you more. [/size]


This is a very timely thread for me. My 13 year old with severe autism made great improvements on Amoxicillin, but now a year later, we have slid backwards quite a bit. We tried Augmentin, but things are still bad. Not horrible, but we are going backwards. I am thinking we need to pull out the big guns; azith.


What dose is high dose? Is Azith very expensive?


Thanks for the valuable input!

My doctor recommends 10 mg per kilo per day. and start to taper after 4 weeks with no improvement.


RE: Taking Pills and Fish Oil (Omega)


DD9 had the hardest time with the liquid form Azith; was then given the 500Mg pill. We tried cutting up pills and was given with apple-sauce, jello, and after a while not working. Pill would dissolve in apple sauce and the jello gave her the runs. She was afraid of choking so needed the help to get the pills down.


Fireman friend told us to put the cut-up pills in the middle of banana slices....it worked! Now she's still cutting up pills (from 8 pieces down to 4), and no longer needs the banana slices to take them. Slowly built up her confidence.


Now if she can only take the probiotic capsules...that is next.


Oh, the fish oil and omega thing...we're using Coromega Omega 3 and it's really helped her. So, it's different response for every kiddo.


Sheila B


This is a very timely thread for me. My 13 year old with severe autism made great improvements on Amoxicillin, but now a year later, we have slid backwards quite a bit. We tried Augmentin, but things are still bad. Not horrible, but we are going backwards. I am thinking we need to pull out the big guns; azith.


What dose is high dose? Is Azith very expensive?


Thanks for the valuable input!

My doctor recommends 10 mg per kilo per day. and start to taper after 4 weeks with no improvement.


Thank you!!!


Thank you for all the tips!! We went back to the pharmacy (3rd time) and spoke to someone else. Turns out the flavoring was wrong for this particular brand (which they will not be reordering). They had to add additional flavorings (more than the usual types and amts). My DS tasted it in the store and said it was good. I also purchased the spray that makes pills slip down your throat more easily. My ds said it tasted good and he used it to take his clonidine. FYI, like that idea about the banana slices. He is also practising with tic tacs because I would like him to be able to swallow certain supplements that we have avoided due to the fact they are in a capsule or a pill. So, now we are on our way with the zyth and hopefully it will help.


Sheila99 just wanted to add our probiotic is a cherry flavored chewable. It tastes good and it is small. It is Nature's Way Primadophilus in case you are interested.


Oh, what else gave DD9 confidence were the Vitamin D pills that are clearcoated. We're giving her the 2000 IU per pill, slightly bigger than the 1000 IU pill. She's cutting up the Zithromax to same size as the 2000 IU, making her comfortable to swallow.


Re: the probiotics, the PANDAs dr recommended the higher CFU probiotic, (its the Therbiotic Complete 25 billion CFUs), but hoping to switch to powder form or better flavored kind once the two bottles I ordered are done. Thanks for the suggestion...

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