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I know this is last minute but I'm meeting with a congressman at 4:30pm EST, today. He (and his wife) are VERY interested in helping families with PANDAS/PANS/PITANDS. I could use as many "stories" to share with as possible. So we can show "the many faces of this disorder" how it presents differently in each child. A short story, list of symptoms, how long, what you would like changed and most importantly a picture (headshot) f your pandas child/children. If you can put list of symptoms first, than SHORT story and attach picture, would be best format. You can email them to info@pandasresourcenetwork.org​ or mediastories@yahoo.com.


With much appreciation and high hopes for healing,


Lynn Johnson

Executive Director

PANDAS Resource Network


Also, if you already send your story (a few months ago, when requested) to mediastories@yahoo.com, those stories WILL be shared with the congressman (and his wife)...Thank you!

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