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Our son has PANDAS/PITAND. At this time his symptoms decreased greatly and he finished his second dose of antibiotics a short time ago. He is not on any antibiotics at this time until his next blood draws.

The issue is our 2 year old today was diagnosed with pneumonia and placed on antibiotics and steriods. She is really having a difficult time. She has also has bumps on her that pop out randomly. The nurse practioner she saw thought that the rash was something seperate from the pneumonia and wasnt as concerned about it. After reserarching on the internet I found that mycoplasma pneumonia can have a ras associated with it.

Does anyone have experience with the symptoms of mycoplasma pneumonia? Has anyone had a sibling infected in the same household with a PANDAS child?

Besides standard precautions, not sure if there is something else I can be doing or looking for.


Bumping this up to see if anyone has had a child with mycoplasma pneumonia. Did your child have skins lesions/bumps on them in random spots. DD has them, and when they go down it almost looks like a faint bruise. DS, with PANDAS, has developed the same lesions. He has no symptoms except for a dry cough he has had for quite awhile. Could this be mycoplasma pneumonia? DD was diganosed yesterday with pneumonia and placed on antibiotics. DS is not on anything at this time.

Posted (edited)

My non-PANDAS son had Mycoplasma Pneumonia. His only symptom was a cough. We actually found out "by accident" he had it. we went in for a strep test since he was exposed and found out he had Myco P instead. No rash or lesions.


My PANDAS son never ramped up from exposure to the Myco P and my PANDAS son and my daughter never contracted it. My boys do share a bedroom so I separated them for a few days.


If you are concerned about your son's dry cough, it would be justified to bring him in and have him listened too.

Edited by Vickie

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