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I took my son for a one year follow up from his sinus mucocele surgery last year (http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8648&st=0&p=71680&fromsearch=1entry71680). His sinuses have seemed good to me since we started IVIG in February, but he had some allergy flare up last week. I was dreading the "well.. the only way we can tell for sure is to do another CT scan" (last one was 7 months ago). Instead, the doctor numbed the inside of his nose and use a new digital endoscopy machine (endodigi was the name). He put the endoscope tube up my son's nose and we all watched a video of the sinuses! Then he snapped a few pics for his file and said everything was open and clear!


My son's nose hurt afterward, but I am thinking it is better than unnecessary radiation. My son is 14 so he was able to tolerate the procedure - I would imagine it would be difficult with a younger child.


The doc said we would still need to do CT scans sometimes, but this would help to reduce the number. I sure wish we had this for the last 14 years of "do you think it's a sinus infection??"


So... if anyone is looking for an ENT - or wondering about a sinus infection - ask about endoscopy in the office!

Edited by kimballot

I took my son for a one year follow up from his sinus mucocele surgery last year (http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8648&st=0&p=71680&fromsearch=1entry71680). His sinuses have seemed good to me since we started IVIG in February, but he had some allergy flare up last week. I was dreading the "well.. the only way we can tell for sure is to do another CT scan" (last one was 7 months ago). Instead, the doctor numbed the inside of his nose and use a new digital endoscopy machine (endodigi was the name). He put the endoscope tube up my son's nose and we all watched a video of the sinuses! Then he snapped a few pics for his file and said everything was open and clear!


My son's nose hurt afterward, but I am thinking it is better than unnecessary radiation. My son is 14 so he was able to tolerate the procedure - I would imagine it would be difficult with a younger child.


The doc said we would still need to do CT scans sometimes, but this would help to reduce the number. I sure wish we had this for the last 14 years of "do you think it's a sinus infection??"


So... if anyone is looking for an ENT - or wondering about a sinus infection - as about endoscopy in the office!

Wow! Thanks for sharing this. Dr. Bouboulis had recommended a CT scan, but we never went through with it... now there is an alternative! Awesome!

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