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I keep seeing that 1 lab is better than another, that Igenex is the best. etc. We are heading up to CHOP again next week for our 6 week check in. I want to ask for Bartonella testing, and I want to bring up the fact that my son has tested neg. x 2 since Sept. for Lyme. I have been told that with poor testing there can be false negs for Lyme. He also showed an "old" Mycoplasma infection (likely from pneumonia that he had last Oct.). Is this something that should be addressed at this stage with abx or is it benign in that it is just showing that he had Mycoplasm in the past. I also want to ask about a change in abx. He is currently on Cefdinir (Omnicef) and has been on Augmentin. The Cefdinir seems to have pushed him further, faster, toward recovery, but I feel that it is starting to wane in its effectiveness. Throw into the mix that his ASO is 105 and his Anti Dnase is 159 now, after consistently being very high,(both for several test through last Jan). I guess this is good news, but I do not want it to make the doc think he should go off abx. He went off for 2.5 days in May due to diarrhea, and I saw alarming PANDAS symptoms return. Please give me some clear guidance so I can communicate effectively with the CHOP doc. If that doesn't work, we are also seeing Dr. Bouboulis for the first time in late July. However, I do not want to do nothing with treatment during the interim.


Thank you for your help! -Kath

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