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I have a shot this week at possibly getting my child treated. This will be a one-shot deal & I am wondering if anyone knows any benefit to asking our doctor to run IV steroids before the IVIg. I have no idea if this is desirable or even possible, but I want anything and everything done while we have the chance. After this our next stop will most likely be sitting on the Dr Leckman or Swedo's front steps (just kidding:)or begging to be the first DBS for pediatric OCD. things are terrible, terrible, terrible, but she admitted tonight that the way she is living is no way to live and she needs help. If that will translate to cooperation, I do not know. Please, any thoughts on my steroid// IVIg idea? I just want to give her every chance at recovery I can. She is no meds now and reacted quite well to prednisone a year ago.


We had some steroid added to our IVIG, because it was a high dose IVIG, done outpatient 2 days in a row, and it was givin in the IV line to help prevent the after/side affects when we completed the IVIG.


Rockytop- I hope you have had some pms?

I have thought about this, we haven't done ivig, but my kids have had IV solumedrol (7mg/kg, up to 6 doses), and it has been a LIFESAVER. So many kids have a really rough time immediately post ivig, which is hard to imagine going through when your child is pretty bad off to begin with :( As long as steroids are not generally contraindicated with IVIG, I would push for it (I have NO idea if steroids would diminish the effectiveness, or anything, that is what you would want to check out.)


If you do the IV steroids, I would push for the 7mg/kg dose, twice a day, for both days- the doc we share has not wanted to give my girls that dosage ?? but that is what they had (in crisis situation we got a doc here in NJ to do it) that worked.

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