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Is it safe,Im thinking of it for me and maybe danny sorry about the spelling




I used colloidal silver on a short-term basis when I was sick with a virus a few years ago. My ND/herbalist recommended it. I was taking many other things at the time so was not sure how much it helped because I could not isolate its effects. The one thing I have heard about colloidal silver is that you have to be careful not to use too much or use it for too long. It can cause argyria--the skin becomes blue or blue-ish gray in color. I think that can only occur at really high doses, but you would have to look into that. I would consult someone who is qualified to recommend how it should be used--someone like an ND or an alternative medicine practitioner or someone with a good knowledge base on supplements.


Is it safe,Im thinking of it for me and maybe danny sorry about the spelling



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